Thursday, March 31, 2011

Friday's Favourite Fotos Flashback.


We have always liked climbing and used to climb up through the Leylandii hedge to sit on the top. The hedge is about eight feet high. That is the phone line above our heads.

Flynn: I started at an early age and used to climb the Elderberry tree in the garden. It had lots of branches so was easy to practice on.

That tree isn't there any more but it was fun while it was.

Eric: I don't know why I was accused of hiding in the ivy in the Oak tree to catch the fevvers.

I was only sunbathing. Hehe!

Our Beans are locking us up for the weekend so we won't be able to visit until Monday night. Mum is going to schedule an Easy Like Sunday post for us because when she was looking through our old pre digital photos, she found one that she thought would be just right.
Also we just noticed this is our 1300th post.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Eric and Flynn- Photographer Cats.

We have been out taking photos again. We take it in turns now to wear the camera which means we only have it on for 20 minutes each which we find is better.

Flynn: I took the first photos. This is our favourite climbing tree. Eric doesn't go up very far but I like to go right out on the little thin branches to scare mum. I wanted to go up and take photos from way up there but she wouldn't let me. She said I might get the collar or camera caught so it would be too dangerous. Mums worry like that.

I was hiding in the grass here spying on mum and dad talking. They didn't know I took their photo.

I am in Caffrey's field and he came over to see what I am doing. Those are his legs coming towards me. It's all right though because Caffrey is friendly and sometimes he snuffles my butt when I am looking for mousies.

This is Caffrey. Mum took this photo with her camera though. She sees him from a lot different angle than I do.

Eric: I have taken over now and took a photo of Flynn. You can see my shadow too.

Hehe! Flynn doesn't know I took a photo of his 'tocks.

This is the school where the horses go for lessons.

We like this field because there are lots of rabbit holes and mousie holes in it. We have only been able to come back here for the last couple of weeks because the horses have been in it all winter, and some of them chase us. Now they are in the next field behind the hedge. We hope you have enjoyed coming on our walk with us.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Tummy and Tail Tuesday.

Here's my tummy,

and here's my tail.
Some of you said you hope we don't pee indoors like we do outdoors. We never pee where we shouldn't when we are inside. We have a litterbox to use but we prefer to wait until we can go out in the garden. We only use it if we are bursting! Don't tell mum, but our favourite pooping place is the greenhouse, and our favourite peeing place is the Leylandii hedge.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mancat Monday

Flynn: Hmm, a strange smell. I wonder who has been around here. Well, you know what Eric always says..........

.....if in doubt, pee on it.

Eric: Hmmm, a strange smell. Who can have left it?

I get a familiar smell coming through with it though. Very strange! Never mind, you know what I always say......
...if in doubt, pee on it!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Easy Like Sunday

We are still getting nice sunny weather so we will be getting our easy Sunday outdoors.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Still Wrong!

Eric: The other day when I was in the greenhouse, I couldn't get comfortable because I was in the wrong pot. This one is much more comfy.

Flynn says I am still in the wrong pot and should be in the brown one.

He says the green one is his, but I say first come first served.

Flynn: I am not happy, I want to get in my green pot.

Mum can you tell Eric to go in his own pot. No, I don't want to get in his pot, I want my own.

I will sit here and sulk until he moves.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Friday's Favourite Fotos Flashback.

Eric: One of my favourite places used to be in the airing cupboard next to the hot water tank. I don't fit in there very well now though.

Flynn: You never could get right up the top like me though.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Eric the Photographer.

Eric: It was Flynn's turn to take the photos this week but he said I could do it again if I wanted to seeing as I did a good job last week.

My first photo was of dad's roller. We have to keep well away from it when he has it behind the big tractor because it would be very dangerous for us.

Then I took a photo in Buddy and Silver's field, but they didn't want their photos taken so kept out of the way.

This is the far end of their field. Mum says you can tell when it is me taking the photos because you can see my whiskers in all of them.

I took a photo of my dad. He looks very tall.

I was fed up with taking photos so I had a roll in the grass. It made the sky tip sideways. Flynn said he would take over so mum gave him the camera for the next photos.

Flynn: I took a photo of our dad to show Eric how to not make him look so tall.

Then I took a picture of Buddy and Silver's field, but they were still keeping out of the way.

On our way back I took a picture of my dad and Eric. Sorry dad, I chopped your head off like I do to mum.

Then we went in the field nearest to home and I took a shot of the top field where you can just see Snowdon and Danni.

On our way back to the garden I took a photo of the stables and Quest is looking over the fence waiting for his supper. After that we both went back in the garden to relax in the evening sun.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tummy Tuesday

I'm still waiting. Where are those tummy tickles you promised me?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mancat Monday

Eric: What do you mean, I'm in the wrong pot? I must admit it isn't very comfy with lots of spiky things sticking in my butt.

I wonder if that one would be better.

Flynn: He must need his head examined when he has got a nice comfy pot like mine that he could be napping in.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Easy Like Sunday

I am hoping for a nice sunny Sunday so I can lie on the shelf and sunbathe.

The sun on my fur feels so good.

Now if you will excuse me, I feel a nap coming on.
Hope everyone has as good a Sunday as me.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Saturday Sniff.

Just a minute! This doesn't smell right.

What's been going on?

This heather definitely smells different than yesterday.

A good face rub should get it smelling right again.

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