Monday, August 31, 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009

We're Awesome and an award.

We got this award from Cheyenne Millie. and The Kitty Krew.

The rules say "when accepting this award you must blog about the food you have stolen when your humans weren't watching. If you have never stolen any food, you must be a very good pup or kitty. You can accept this yummy tray of cookies as your reward!!! Next add the logo of this award to your blog (optional), then nominate at least 5 other furry blogs and let them know by leaving them a message on their blogs."

Well we have to admit to being embarassingly good, we don't steal food. Really, it's true. Neither of us particularly like Bean food but we will usually accept one or two pieces just to be polite. Thanks for the award though. We will try and stay as good as we are now.

We would like to pass this award on to all of you who can't resist the temptation of food lying around. You know who you are!

Also we have been tagged by Inigo Flufflebum and D'Artagnan Rumblepurr to list seven reasons why we are awesome. We have done three each and one between us.

1. I keep mum safe by catching spiders and mousies and anything else I can catch so she doesn't get frightened.
2. When she goes to bed at night, I get under the covers with her and snuggle up to her tummy to keep her warm.
3. I pose nicely for her when she takes photos so she can put them on our blog.

4. I protect dad when he is asleep by lying across the top of his head.
5. I love water and like to lie on my Beans when they have a bath.
6. When dad goes to poker on Friday nights, he comes home very late, so I go to bed with mum and lie across her head until she is asleep, then I go out on the recliner and she never hears me get off the bed,

Both of us:
7. When mum goes for walks around the fields, we go with her to make sure she is safe.
We should tag seven kitties now but it is getting late here and we want to go to Billy Sweetfeets party before mum goes to bed, so if you want to do this meme, consider yourself tagged.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Easy Like Sunday

The weatherman said summer is coming back for one day, so if he is right, this is what I will be doing.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Nott Me.

What do you mean, no wonder there is always fur in the printer and muddy paw prints on the laptop bag? It's not my fault, Nott Me made me do it.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Friday Flashback

This week's Friday Flashback comes from April 2007 and is called:


I fink efurrycat knows I like avenchurs. Well one fing I reely like to do is climb trees.

I like to get up high in the branches where I can see efurryfing that is going on.

Sumtimes I try to worry mum by pretending I'm going to fall. She stands below me saying,"Oh keerfull Flynnie, watch what yer doing." Don't tell her, but I do akkrobattiks speshully to skeer her.

Here I am telling Eric to come up wiv me, but he isn't so good as me at tree climbing. Mum tells him he's awkward as a camel. He furrgets which branches he went up, and then he looks down at mum squawking that he's stuck, but he's not reely,except furr the time dad had to climb up the tree and git him down. I just sat on the grass watching and laffing.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I Wish..........

it would stop raining.

There's nothing to do but wash my toes,

and my back.

Yup, I'm totally bored.

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Beans Holiday Photos.

We told mum she could borrow our blog today to put up some photos from when they were on holiday last week, but she better not make a habit of it.

These first two photos are at a place called Marlow.
We like the look of Marlow cuz there are lots of fev-vers in the water there. We think the swans and geese might be a bit big for us though.

This is Boulter's Lock in Maidenhead which is near to Windsor Castle. The Beans sat there for a while and watched the boats going through the lock gates.

They went on Boulter's Island which is only small, and were looking up towards the weir.

They went to the Royal Horticultural Society gardens at Wisley on another day. Mum took lots of photos there, but we told her she could only post a few of them.

She thought these flowers were pretty but didn't think to write down their name.

They have lots of different styles of gardens there.

We thought this was the best photo she took cuz just look at all those fishies swimming around. Yummy!

This is the other end of the fish pond.

She said she just had to take a photo of this plant. We think it is scary! We wouldn't want our tails to be red hot.

They went in the Japanese Bonsai garden and the trees ranged from 26 years old to 200 years old.

This is the tree that is 200 years old. That's even older than our Beans.
We hope you liked mum's photos. Now maybe we can have our blog back tomorrow.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Two Mancats on Monday

Flynn: I like sitting up on the cat tree with my brother.

Eric: Well, in case you have forgotten, the cat tree in the other window is supposed to be yours so stop taking up too much room.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Easy Like Sunday

Flynn: Look Eric, that ant is coming towards you. I'll eat it for you so you don't get ants in your pants.

Friday, August 21, 2009

We're back!

They're back! That means we are back too! We are hoping to get visiting all our furrends again. We wanted to start on Friday night but we were to busy asking the Beans all about their break. Don't worry, we aren't really still behind bars, we are just on the other side of the gate to one of the fields.

Mum said they had a lovely big hotel room with a little patio, and she said every day lots of bunnies played beside it. You can see two of them here. We told her we would have liked to get to know them better.
If she gives us lots of treats, we may even let her post some of her photos.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Mancat Monday

Eric: This was the last field of grass dad cut for hay for the horses. The weatherman said it was going to be good weather for a few days, but as soon as dad cut it, it started raining and didn't stop for a week. When the sun came back at last, we went and checked it for dad and told him it was spoilt and would have to be thrown away.

Flynn: Mum went with us to check it. We all sat down together so we could have a close look at it. Mum said we were right and it was no good because it would make the horses cough.

We are being locked up yet again. The Beans are going away today for a few days and we won't be able to visit anybody until Friday. If anycat wants to visit us you can play with our toys and share our treats. Then we can have a house trashing.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Easy Like Sunday

If the sun shines, I am going to sit in the field and let it warm my tummy

Friday, August 14, 2009

Stalking our prey, and our mum's birthday,

Eric: What was that noise?

I will go and investigate.

Oh good, Flynn has come as back up.

Huh! Foiled again!

You might think you are clever watching from up there Mr. Pigeon, but we are very patient.

It's our mum's birthday today.
We don't mind you being old mum, we still love you.

Happy Birthday mum

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Friday Flashback

This week's Friday Flashback comes from March 2007 and is called:


When I wuz little Eric, I yoosed to like gitting in the sink wiv Flynn, and we wud play wiv the water and drink it furrom the tap.

When I got to be Big Eric, the sink must haf got smaller, so then I had to git in the baff and drink.

Well furr some reason I haf deesided that I want to sit in the sink again.
Mebbe I am going to turn back into Little Eric.

I like drinking furrom here too, trubble is that I block the plug hole wiv my butt and then the sink starts to fill up. Then I git yelled at by mum, cuz when I git on her lap she sez to me,"Oh Eric yer soaking wet!"

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Fly

I was trying to have a nice peaceful bath when a pesky fly came along and wouldn't stop bothering me.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

We are sorry we haven't visited many of our furrends the last two days. Mum has been too busy to help us blog much. We hope we can visit more today.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Tired Tail and Toesies Tuesday

We got the 'Your blog is Pearl' award from the Island Cats so thank you to them. We have to pass it on to 6 other bloggers, so we would like to pass it on to:
China Cat
Inigo and D'Artagnan at Rumblebum.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Paw it Forward.

We played Paw it Forward with Ginger Jasper and we were excited when our package arrived.

Flynn: Oh look, GJ has sent us lots of different treats. These are Felix Lickins and they are my favourite even more than Temtayshuns. I wonder how he knew I like them. Also we have got catnip drops, Thomas Treats and natural dried chicken strips which we have never seen before. Thanks GJ for all these lovely treats.

We got lovely toys too. A jitterbug which moves along the ground when you pull it's tail, some lovely little mousies, blue fev-vers which I wanted to chew and a fish on a line which is great fun.

But I need to check these treats out again.

Mmm nom nom nom. You can see the lovely card GJ sent us, he's looking very smart in his green top hat.

Eric: Steady on Flynn, leave some for me.

Oh this fishie is fun.

The string is good to chew too.

Yup little fishie, I like you.

Now for the biggest surprise of all. You all know I hate having my photo taken and I walk away or look away. Well we got this beeyoootiful fev-ver boa with jingly bells on the ends of it. Mum put it around my neck and I felt so handsome in it that I posed nicely for her. Mum couldn't believe I actually wanted my photo taken.

Don't you think I look good in it?

Flynn: I love the chick-hen strips. I would have eaten the whole packet if mum hadn't taken it away. She said we can't eat everything all at once.
If any one would like to play Paw it Forward with us, we will send a package to the first kitty who says they want to play in our comments.

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