Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wordless Wednesday and Goodbye for a While.

This will be our last post for four weeks. We are being locked up and deserted while our Beans go off cruising to America.

That means no sleeping in the sun on the Beans bed.

And no rolling around in the dirt.
A while back the Whiskeratti asked what our outdoor run was like. It used to go on the outside of the bedroom and we could go out of the window onto the shelf. We could go down the ramp and nom the grass too. It is 12 feetx4 feet and built from weld mesh with a plywood and felt roof. When dad built our purrison fence we didn't need the run anymore because we could go out in the garden as much as we wanted and we can't get out. Now dad puts the run against the garage door which is where we live when the Beans go away, so we can still go outside and sunbathe. The garage is a huge workshop and it gets powerwashed and carpet put down for us. If it gets hot, we have beds in the inspection pit which is always cool, and we can go up in the loft too. All our toys and cat trees and beds go out for us. We have an auntie who comes in twice a day to feed us and scoop, and another one who comes in once a day to play with us. We don't mind being locked up really because when the Beans get back and let us out, we make a fuss of them for 10 minutes, then we walk back in the garage. We don't tell them we don't mind though.
Phew! after all that wordiness Flynn wants to do his

Wordless Wednesday.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Three Tummy Tuesday.

Eric's tummy. Silly mum had to change this photo. She put one of my back instead of my tummy!

Flynn's tummy.

Dad's tummy. Purrfect for biscuit making.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mancat Monday

We are prowling around our jungle today.

Eric seems to have disappeared.

I'm looking around for him.

Oh there you are. You are nearly hidden by the long grass.

After that we had a rest on the straw.

But it was just too energetic for Eric and he had to get back in the garden for a snooze.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Easy Like Sunday

We have had sunny weather for several days now so I think I will spend Sunday relaxing on a bank in the sun.

Oh this is the life.

This sun is making me very sleepy.


Friday, April 16, 2010

We've Found It !

It's been a long cold winter and we have kept checking to see where Spring is.

Well, at last we think it is here. The birds are building their nests.

Mr and Mrs Pigeon have returned to their nest they always use in the tree outside our window.

The daffodils have flowered well but are nearly finished now.

The dainty little primroses are flowering......

and today we saw the first violets.

Flynn: The mousies are back in full force. I hear them wherever I walk.

Mr. Pheasant is looking for a wife.

The vishus badgers are digging holes everywhere. We aren't allowed too close to their setts because they have big furroshus teeth.
Eric: Mum yelled at me because I wanted to see if anyone was home.

The grass is getting longer and greener. Yup, Spring is definitely here.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Friday Flashback.

This Friday Flashback is from November 2008 and I waqs getting fed up with waiting for mum to help me blog.

Right come on and hurry up. I'm here waiting to blog.

I hope I don't have to tell you again. I'm waiting.

Might as well have a wash while I'm waiting.

That's what I think of you for keeping me hanging around.

I will give you one last chance. Are you going to get your backside on that chair and help me blog?

That's it. You've had your chance. You will have to do it on your own now. I'm going to sleep.

This will be our last flashback for a while. Can you believe the Beans are deserting us again next week? We will hopefully be able to post until next Wednesday and then we get locked up for four whole weeks. Yup, you heard it right, purrisoners for a month! Not fair!

To make up for having to leave you all for so long, here is a bonus flashback.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Helping my Dad.

I've been very busy today helping dad work in the field. I am just checking the digger to make sure everything is greased and ready to use.

Checking the tracks are straight.

All seems okay there so I will just see where dad needs to dig.

This looks like a good place to start so I will make a line so he knows he is in the right place.

Some of you weren't sure if I was in a tractor yesterday. When the tractor is in the garage, dad leaves the door open and I often go in and sleep on the tractor seat. Dad leaves his fleece jacket by the toolbox behind the seat and I spotted it and went in to make biscuits on it. So, where you could see me looking out was from the back of the tractor.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Easy Like Sunday

Easy like Sunday means wine for mum and head scritches for me.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Looking for Mousies.

I have found a hole and I am looking to see if any mousies are in it.

There's nothing in it. Flynn told me it's not even a mouse hole but I think he is just trying to fool me.

I will sit here and listen out for any mousies.

Silly Eric had his head down a hole that the horsies had made when they pulled a big clump of grass up.

Shh, I think I hear a mousie.

This is a real mouse hole. I'm not silly like Eric. I think he is hiding in here but don't worry, I can wait for him to come out, I'm not in any hurry.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Friday Flashback.

First of all we want to thank everybody for their birthday wishes, and for coming to our party and making it a great day for us.

This week the Friday Flashback comes from November 2008 and it shows me playing with..........


My nippy carrot is my most favourite toy in the world and I like playing with it in my Ham-Mick the best of all. I put the noospaper there. You can't see the rest, but I put them all over the floor.

I was playing Peek a Boo with it unner the Ham-Mick.

I had been playing with it furr ages, then mum decided she would video me when I wuz nearly fed up with playing. I like bunny kicking it and when I finish playing, I like to sleep on it so I can smell the nip.

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