Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wordless Wednesday and Goodbye for a While.

This will be our last post for four weeks. We are being locked up and deserted while our Beans go off cruising to America.

That means no sleeping in the sun on the Beans bed.

And no rolling around in the dirt.
A while back the Whiskeratti asked what our outdoor run was like. It used to go on the outside of the bedroom and we could go out of the window onto the shelf. We could go down the ramp and nom the grass too. It is 12 feetx4 feet and built from weld mesh with a plywood and felt roof. When dad built our purrison fence we didn't need the run anymore because we could go out in the garden as much as we wanted and we can't get out. Now dad puts the run against the garage door which is where we live when the Beans go away, so we can still go outside and sunbathe. The garage is a huge workshop and it gets powerwashed and carpet put down for us. If it gets hot, we have beds in the inspection pit which is always cool, and we can go up in the loft too. All our toys and cat trees and beds go out for us. We have an auntie who comes in twice a day to feed us and scoop, and another one who comes in once a day to play with us. We don't mind being locked up really because when the Beans get back and let us out, we make a fuss of them for 10 minutes, then we walk back in the garage. We don't tell them we don't mind though.
Phew! after all that wordiness Flynn wants to do his

Wordless Wednesday.

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