Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Friday Flashback

The Friday Flashback this week is from November 2006 and was originally over two posts, but we decided to put them both up together.


Eric: I just know I heard sumfing move, but I don't know what it was. I'll just put my head in an haf a good look round.

Flynn: Yer right Eric, I heard sumfing too.I'll look furrom this side.

Flynn: No good, I need to haf a better look.
We bofe looked an looked but cudn't find ennyfing, but we will be back to look again. We don't give up.


We been keep going back an checking on that tree, an yesterday we herd more noises, so we went an in-vesty-gatid again.Success!!!

Eric: There was a mousie in theer. Mum finks thay may haf made a nest in the tree to live in. I haf to be troofull. It looks like I got the mousie, but reely it wuz Flynn, an he gave it to me to eat. It wuz lucky we got it then cuz it wuz getting dark an mum had told us we had to go in. The tree is a big oak tree that grows owtside our window, an it is cuvvered in ivy, an the birdies like it, so we can sit in the window an watch the live fev-vers efun when we can't go outdoors.

NOTE: These posts were before our purrison fence was built and we were only allowed out under supervision. Now the fence is there we can go out 24/7 if we want to and mum knows we are safe.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Plague Ratsie.

Mum ordered some plague ratsies and they arrived today. Mum gave me one and it is really great for bunny kicking. Eric doesn't get affected by nip but even he came over and licked it. I think he may be a secret nip head because he tried to beat me up to get it, but when I ran off, he didn't want it! That is on another video which we will probably show next week.
Mum sez she always knows when I am getting nipped up cuz I keep washing my face. Duz nip make any other cats keep washing?
I love my new ratsie.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Two Tummies on Tuesday

We don't think it is right, dad holding us like that to show off our tummies cuz it means he is hiding his.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mancat Monday and our Dad's Birthday.

Flynn: Okay, so I got plenty of rest yesterday and now my paws are ready to get blogging again.

It is our dad's birthday today so I told Eric I would do the mancat part and he can do the kissy kissy part.

Eric: Happy Birthday dad! I didn't manage to save enough money to get him a purresent, so I am giving him a kiss instead. He said that suits him just fine.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Easy Like Sunday

I've worn my little paws out blogging this week so I think I deserve a rest now.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Eric: It has rained so much lately that we haven't been for many walks. Today I am making the most of it and looking for mousies. The door to Mr and Mrs Mouse's house is here and I am trying to look in to see if any one is home. Nope, doesn't seem like it.

Flynn: While Eric is trying to visit Mr and Mrs Mouse, I am playing with the grasshoppers. I think they like to play because when they jump, I jump, and then they jump again. It is a fun game and they are nice and crunchy. Maybe they don't like that part of the game as much.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Friday Flashback - Confessions

This Friday Flashback is from September 2006. I found these old cushions and they are the next best thing to nip.

This is my most faverit cushun in the whole world. It's in the old falling down woodshed. The Befurrus cats used to sleep there sumtimes, and when they had all gone ofurr the Rainbow Bridge, mum kept the cushions there furr Kitty Yum Bum cos she was sad, and then she could cuddle up to it and still smell them.Then one day I went in there and dis-cuvvered it. BLISS!!!!

It's reely old and smelly. It's luvly. I goes in and rubs and rubs all ofurr it. Mum calls it my silly cushun. I asked if I could haf it indoors, but she said it stinks too much, but now it's got my stink on it.

My eyes go all funny and I drools all ofurr it, but I reely reely luv my cushun.Just look at my tung.

I've got anuvver confeshun. The uvver day I caught live fev-vers. I'm not allowed to catch live fev-vers, cos mum makes me let them go. Well the uvver day mum wasn't looking, and there were all these sparrows in the tree laffing at me.So I jumped in the tree and caught one. When mum came outdoors, all she saw was me washing my chops and a little pile of innards and one wing!!I got a telling off, but I don't care cos it tasted good. Here is a pichur of me looking round all guilty cos I've been caught. See that wing by my foot.Next day the innards had gone so anuvver cat must haf been around, or it may haf been Mr. Fox. I don't fink it was the vishus deer acos they would need more to eat than that.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Eric: Where the horses walk along one of the steep slopes in the field, they have worn it away into ledges. I like to go there to roll because there is a lot of nice earth to roll on.

Oops, I seem to be going downhill.

Never mind, just keep on rolling.

Huh! I'm sure I wasn't this far down.

How did that happen? I'm nearly down the bottom.

Flynn: You are silly Eric.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Tummy Tuesday

After a tiring walk I need to relax and recover. Flynn would rather eat grass though.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Mancat Monday, Award and Blogoversary.

Mum helped us with our post for today and scheduled it then went back to our home page. We suddenly saw it! Our countdown button was telling us it is our Third Blogoversary today and we nearly forgot. Mum had to do a photo quick and add it before midnight.
We are very happy to have made so many friends over the last three years. You are all great!

Mancat Monday
Mancats heading for home.


We got the Kreativ Blogger award from Ginger Jasper and this is what he said:
Give thanks and link back to the one who sent you the award. Post the logo on your blog. List seven things about yourself that others might find interesting. Pass the award on to seven other kreativ bloggers.

We are cheating here a bit because we had a different award a while back which we had to tell six facts about ourselves, so we have put the same facts again plus a seventh one.

Seven Things about us:

1. Flynn:When I am being scritched above the base of my tail. I get a snake's tongue. It flicks in and out really fast.

2. Eric:When I get back scritches I bite my feet and legs cuz I get so excited.

3. Both of us will only drink from the bath tap or rain puddles. The only bowl we drink from is our outdoor bowl cuz it has rainwater in it.

4. Neither of us will drink milk. We came from a farm where there were lots of cows, but milk is yuk. We won't drink cat milk either or eat cream.

5. We don't like human food much. We may eat a tiny bit of steak or shrimp, but we prefer Stinky Goodness or crunchies. We will not eat raw meat at all unless it is mousie.

6. We both love water. We paddle in it, sit in it, play in it. I (Eric) like to get in the bath with the Beans too. I lie on their tummies making biscuits, and let my paws and tail float in the water.

7. Flynn: Sometimes when we are in the fields I am so intent on catching a mousie that I don't see mum and Eric walking on without me. When I suddenly realise they have gone I yell at the top of my lungs until I see them again.

We want to pass this on to:

Samantha, Mr.Tigger and Maverick,
Dante, Dylan and Domino,
The Island Cats,
The Kitty Krew,
Wilfred (Mr.Grumpster),
The Cat Realm,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Easy Like Sunday

The weather has got colder and rainy again so we take every chance we get when it isn't raining to get outdoors and take it easy in the fields.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Award and Meme.

We got the,'Your Blog is a Dream award from Cheyenne Millie. and The Kitty Krew.
The rules of this award are to give seven beauty secrets and then pass it on to seven bloggers. Well we are not really into beauty like that so we thought long and hard and came up with these seven beauty tips.

1: Get plenty of fresh air if you can. It is good for your lungs. If you have good lungs you can yell louder.

2: Get plenty of exercise. It is good for keeping you supple. If you don't go outdoors, Thundering herds of Elephants is a good exercise for indoor only cats.

3: Keep your furrs clean. It is always nice to have a spotless tummy.

4: Check your reflection for blemishes. You don't want to smile at your mum with bits of mouse stuck between your teeth.

5: Keep your nails nicely sharpened. You never know when you may want to use them.

6: Get plenty of beauty sleep. You don't want to get bags under your eyes do you?

7: If you get the opportunity, roll in the dirt. It makes your furrs lovely and soft.

We want to pass this on to:
The beautiful Poppy Q who knows all there is to know about beauty,
Monty Q who could come up with some unusual beauty tips,
The Ladies from The Taylor Catsssss,
The pretty little Tuxie Abby,
Chey, who must surely let us into her beauty secrets,
Parker who hopefully will tell us how she keeps so purrfect,
and last but not least, Momo who may give some hints on keeping floof in tip top condition.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Friday Flashback - Baby Kitties

We got to the end of 2008 last week with our Friday Flashbacks so now we are going back again because some months we had two or three posts that we liked and wanted to use. Here are some more from August 2006 and this week we have given you two posts in one. Mum wasn't very good at placing the photos and words in the beginning, but we hope you can sort out what is what. In the first three photos we were five and a half weeks old.


Here are some baby pichers of us. The picher where we are cuddled up by the books was the furrst day we came to our furrever home. The door was opened back against them, and the beans couldn't find us. They were getting in a panic, an we was fast asleep.In the picher of us playing in the wine rack, mum says Eric's head wouldn't effun fit in there now. The cheek of it!!(Don't know where the rest of that picher went. Fink blogger mustn't haf liked it.) An the picher wiv the slippers, that was our most favourite fing to play wiv. Mum had to get herself new slippers cos we nearly ate them up. An in the uvver picher we was all played out.


Here are some more baby photos ranging from six weeks to three months.

This is me Flynn getting my paper work up to date.

Here we are wiv Kitty Yum Bum. We came to look after her after her last broffurr went over the Rainbow Bridge. She was all lonely an started to pine away an wouldn't eat nuffin.When we came, she told us she didn't like us, but Eric said she had to be his friend an he laid wiv her all the time until she liked us.She went offur the bridge four years ago an we was all sad.

Here we are just relaxing on the sofa. Eric's showing off his hoo haa's just because he still had them then.

Eric I know you love water, but you know you can't play wiv the washing. Mum said it's too dangerous.

Mum can I haf a bigger paddling pool, cos all my feet won't fit in this one.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

In The Barn.

We are very excited. Wendy has made us lolcats today. Go and see us at her place.
Scroll down for today's post.


Eric: While we were out for our walk it started to rain so we went in the barn to shelter. I thought I may as well check for any new smells while we were there.

Yup, this is a new one. It's very interesting

In fact it is so interesting that I need to rub my face on it to make it smell right. I would normally pee on it but mum says the horses wouldn't like it on their hay bales.

While I was doing that, Flynn had a baff.

Then it stopped raining so we sat outside the door and Flynn carried on baffing.

Right mum, are you ready to get walking again? The rain shower is all finished now.

Flynn: Yeah, come on mum, I'm ready to go.
So we carried on with our walks around the field and the sun kept shining again.

It was getting near dusk on the way back and mum thought the sunset looked pretty so she took a photo of it.

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