Sunday, July 19, 2009

Mancat Monday, Award and Blogoversary.

Mum helped us with our post for today and scheduled it then went back to our home page. We suddenly saw it! Our countdown button was telling us it is our Third Blogoversary today and we nearly forgot. Mum had to do a photo quick and add it before midnight.
We are very happy to have made so many friends over the last three years. You are all great!

Mancat Monday
Mancats heading for home.


We got the Kreativ Blogger award from Ginger Jasper and this is what he said:
Give thanks and link back to the one who sent you the award. Post the logo on your blog. List seven things about yourself that others might find interesting. Pass the award on to seven other kreativ bloggers.

We are cheating here a bit because we had a different award a while back which we had to tell six facts about ourselves, so we have put the same facts again plus a seventh one.

Seven Things about us:

1. Flynn:When I am being scritched above the base of my tail. I get a snake's tongue. It flicks in and out really fast.

2. Eric:When I get back scritches I bite my feet and legs cuz I get so excited.

3. Both of us will only drink from the bath tap or rain puddles. The only bowl we drink from is our outdoor bowl cuz it has rainwater in it.

4. Neither of us will drink milk. We came from a farm where there were lots of cows, but milk is yuk. We won't drink cat milk either or eat cream.

5. We don't like human food much. We may eat a tiny bit of steak or shrimp, but we prefer Stinky Goodness or crunchies. We will not eat raw meat at all unless it is mousie.

6. We both love water. We paddle in it, sit in it, play in it. I (Eric) like to get in the bath with the Beans too. I lie on their tummies making biscuits, and let my paws and tail float in the water.

7. Flynn: Sometimes when we are in the fields I am so intent on catching a mousie that I don't see mum and Eric walking on without me. When I suddenly realise they have gone I yell at the top of my lungs until I see them again.

We want to pass this on to:

Samantha, Mr.Tigger and Maverick,
Dante, Dylan and Domino,
The Island Cats,
The Kitty Krew,
Wilfred (Mr.Grumpster),
The Cat Realm,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon.

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