Monday, February 28, 2011

Tired Tuesday.

I was quietly napping on the hairy blankie with my arms on the worktop and my head resting against the printer.

Suddenly the printer started yakking up paper and woke me up! I'm ready for you this time Mr. Printer. Try it again and you will be whapped into next week.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mancat Monday

Eric: Do you remember when I took the photo of the mousie I caught last week? This was me catching it.

Mum thinks this is probably when I took the photo of it. I wanted to eat it but she wouldn't let me because I ate one I caught two days before, then the next day I yakked up a black mousie hairball.

She took it away from me so I couldn't eat it, so I went back to see if I could find another one. I had a good look in his bed but it was empty.

Flynn was there keeping guard too. He was a little bit annoyed that I caught the mousie and not him.

I'll just have another look.

Maybe I will sit here and wait for his family to come home. I hope they aren't too long or I might miss my supper.

Has anybody noticed if their free storage for photos has changed? We were up to 94% and have been posting our photos at a lower resolution for the last year or so to make our storage space last longer. Today we see we are down to 87% and we don't know how we suddenly have an extra 7%. We haven't deleted any photos to make more room.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011

Looking for Spring.

We are getting fed up with all the rain and mud so we thought we would see if we could find Spring.

Yup, here are some daffodils in bud in the field. That is a sign that Spring is somewhere close by.

Then we found some primroses.

The trees have got catkins on them and that is a sure sign of Spring too. We wonder why they are called catkins. They don't look like kitties.

Then we found snowdrops. We hope Spring soon comes to you too.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Friday's Favourite Fotos Flashback.

I have had many careers over the years before my current one as feline photographer. One of my early ones was as an accountant.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Flynn the Photographer.

Flynn: We had some sunny weather at last so mum asked who wanted to go walkies, and of course we told her we both did. She asked me if I wanted to wear the camera and I said okay. I gave it to Eric half way through so he could take some photos too. These are all mine. Eric will show his next Thursday.

I took my first photo of mum opening the gate in the purrison fence so we could get out of the garden. She said the perspective is really strange because it looks like it barely comes to her shoulder, but in fact it is eight feet high.
We met dad in one of the fields so I took his photo too. His head seems to have vanished into the sky. I think maybe I hadn't positioned the sun right. I will try not to make that mistake again.

Then I saw Silver and Buddy in their field so I took a photo of them.

Then Eric wanted to go in the hay barn so I was going to take a photo of him but he was too quick and I only got his butt.

I went in the hay barn as well and took a picture of the hay turner and the barbecue. Mum managed to get a bit of herself in the way too. I hope you like my photos. Now Eric is getting better at it we will try and take it in turns every Thursday.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Tummy Tuesday

Flynn: Here for your enjoyment is my cute tummy and curly toes.

Eric: I can do cute too!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mancat Monday

Flynn: Two days ago we went out looking for mousies and I wore the camera in case I saw any.

I can smell them here but can't find any. I will have to come back another day for another try.


We went out again today and I wore the camera this time, and.................


Eric: I grabbed him before he could get back down his hole and made him go dead. Then I carried him back to mum to show her how clever I am.
Tough luck Flynn. Who's the Mighty Hunter now?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

(Not so) Easy Like Sunday.

You may have noticed we have not been visiting as much lately. This is the reason. We sit at the computer to wait for mum to help us...and wait...and wait, until we fall asleep through having to wait too long. We will try and get her to improve next week.

Friday, February 18, 2011

This is why.........

This is why I get so many close up photos of grass.

I keep still so they come out clear, but sometimes I get too close to the grass and it comes out all black.
When I finish taking my close ups, I nom the grass.

Then I have a well earned rest. When the camera is full, the flashing light turns red so mum takes it off for me.
I was asked how my photos are so clear. The camera takes 40 when it is fully charged and there are usually about 8-10 clear ones where I am keeping still. Mum deletes the rest because they are very blurry if I run or pounce, or am too close to something. Mum tells me I am very good at it.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Annual Purrformance Review.

It is time to review mum's performance for 2011. It is strange but we have been getting lots of extra treats lately. We can't think why.


1. Quantity of output: No Paws.
She does help us to blog every day when she is here, here being the operative word. If she didn't keep gallivanting off on holiday she would have received the maximum of Four Paws. We have told her she really needs to improve in this department but things don't look hopeful. We have heard that the Beans already have two cruises booked as well as some short breaks. We seem to remember telling her that this had to improve last year but she has ignored our warnings. If this persists we will have no choice than to award her Two Swats next year.

2. Quality of output: Three Paws.
She does do better here as she takes us on walks around the fields in the hope of getting good photos of us. Also she lets us take our camera so we can show things as we see them. She sometimes takes embarrassing photos of us though and that has prevented her getting Four Paws.

3. Client Pawticipation: One paw.
We have our own email address where we can be contacted, but mum only puts it on show at Christmas so that is not much use. We will tell her we need it on our blog where it can be seen. This deserves two swats but we can be contacted on her email address which is on our profile so maybe we will give her one paw.

4. Pawticipation Part 2: Three and a half paws.
We take place in quite a few competitions and have had some of our own. We are allowed to go to Chatzy when the room is open too so we think we will give her four paws. On second thoughts, we don't want her thinking she is perfect so we will give her three and a half paws.

5. Client Satisfaction: Three paws.
We get quite a few comments every day so we hope we are giving client satisfaction.

6. Overall Rating:
A total of ten and a half paws out of a possible twenty is just not good enough. We expect to see a marked improvement next year.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Flynn's Fotos

It's Thursday and that means I can show you some more of my photos from the past week.

This is dad's trailer that he takes behind his big tractor.

This is another view of it but mum managed to get her legs in my way. It was rude of her to not wait until I had taken my photo before she walked in front of me.

I wanted to take a shot of some rough ground and then I saw Silver in the distance, so I decided to include him. He is right at the top of the photo.

I decided I had taken enough photos for one day and was going to go home and check through them when I saw mum talking to Eric. It was too good an opportunity to miss so I took a photo of them talking to each other.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mancat Monday

We enjoy a good rassle and out in the fields it is even better. Sometimes it looks like we get a bit rough with each other, but we're not really. It is just what mancats do.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Easy Like Sunday

I have been working hard trying to catch up with our friends blogs and now I need a rest.

Ahhh this is the life!

Oh no! Not the dreaded pawpurrazzi. I have turned my lasers on so she will go away and let me get back to my easy Sunday.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Flynn's Playtime.

We have a box where we keep all our toys, but I like to keep some in the bottom of the cat tree so I always have something to play with. I put them in the cube as well.

It is difficult to know which to play with first so I play with them all together.

Sometimes when I play I notice a bit of dirt on my foot that I missed earlier, so I have to stop and clean it.

You should have told me you want a photo mum and I would have posed for you earlier.

If you turn your sound up you will hear me purr. My tail touched a crinkle ball in the bottom of the cat tree near the end of the video and I had to stop and see what touched me.

You can watch on You Tube here if you have trouble with the video loading.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Friday's Favourite Fotos Flashback.

Flynn: Mum really needs to buy me a bigger paddling pool.

We both used to like to play with the water in the sink and drink it, but now we have progressed to the bath tap.

Eric: Yaaaak!! I wish I never ate that last mousie.

Sorry about the photo quality, particularly the last one but some scanned better than others.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Eric the Photographer.

Mum asked me if I wanted to have another try at taking photos, so I said okay. I wasn't very happy the first time I wore a collar and the camera but I was much better this time. Most of my photos were extreme close ups of the grass I was nomming and came out black or very blurred but I got three that I was happy with.

Flynn is sitting there patiently waiting for a mousie.

After I came out of that field I sat by some of the stables while I waited for Flynn. Danni, the horse that snorts at us and chases us looked out to see what I was doing, so I took her photo. It is a bit dark. Flynn said it was because I was sat close to the fence and it cut out my natural light. He knows a lot about photography now and said he will give me some tips.

When we got indoors I took Flynn's photo. I seem to have cut his head off though. Maybe I need to practice a bit more.

Some of you were asking about the spider yesterday. You can find it here.

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