Monday, November 30, 2009

Tuesday Tail.

You can see now why we had to deduct points from mum's review. There should be rules against taking peeing and pooping photos.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Mancat Monday

Flynn: This is the other side of the hedge that goes around our garden. It joins on to the purrison fence so when we are in there, we can't get out again. You can see our little cat door in the green tin but mum hadn't opened it for us. When we walk around the fields sometimes we go back into the garden that way, and sometimes we go in the big gate with mum.
Eric: Yeah and take note near the end. Flynn hisses at me for no reason at all.
Flynn: You tried to sniff a smell I found before I had finished with it.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Easy Like Sunday

I hope you all have a nice relaxing Sunday, and if anyone wants to join me, there is plenty of room on the bed.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Annual Purrformance Review.

We have told our mum that it is time for her review. She is a bit worried about it and has been giving us extra treats all week. We won't be bribed though. Well not much, it depends how many treats we get.
Part 1:
Quantity of output: We can't really argue about the quantity, she does help us blog every day. We were going to give her Four Paws for that until we realised she had missed Saturday last week and that is unacceptable so we marked her down to Three Paws. Then we thought of all the lonely days when they deserted us for October and also two weeks in April. They also left us twice for weekend breaks, but to be fair, she did schedule posts for us then. We have to deduct points for April and October but if we take off one for every day that means she will be minus three hundred and eleventy nine points. We don't want to make her too disappointed so we will take off one paw per week so that brings her down to minus Three Paws.
Quality of output: Overall it is not too bad as she takes her camera when she takes us for walks in the fields, and she takes lots of indoor photos too. She is often inconsiderate and takes photos of us bathing and even pooping at times. She should realise this is embarassing to us. For that reason we can only give Two Paws.
Part 3:
Client Pawticipation: She does provide means for us to be contacted. We have our own email address and she lets us use hers too. We can also be contacted in the comments. She also got us a Facebook account but didn't have a clue what she was doing, so gave that up as a bad job. We are quite happy about that though because we hear horror stories about Beans spending too much time there instead of helping their kitties blog. We give her Three Paws.
Pawticipation (part 2): We do get to go to all the birthday pawties and Gotcha Days and enter some competitions. We haven't had a competition for a long time and she needs to do something about that. We give her Two Paws which we think is very generous all things considered.
Part 5:
Client satisfaction: We can only go by what we read in the comments and it seems that overall what we post is enjoyed. We give her Three Paws for that.
Part 6:
Overall rating, comments and suggestions:
We have worked out her average and we are afraid to say it is 1.4 Paws. This is just not good enough. We feel there is much room for improvement and it is the first section which let her down. We suggest she stops taking all her holidays and stays home with us. Without those holidays her average would have been 2.6, which while still nmot good, would have been a little above medium. We will allow her one weekend break without deducting points..
She can also improve by being more considerate in her choice of photo.

We hope she takes good note of all her failings as we expect much better of her next time.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Friday Flashback.

The Friday Flashback this week comes from November 2007 when I was being bothered by a fly. It was originally a..........

Sundays are the best day furr just lying around taking it easy. Trubble is wiv the cold weather, the flies haf got dozy and keep coming indoors, and they annoy me when I try to sleep. They fly this way..........
and that way............

but I always git them in the end. Yum Yum!!
Now maybe I can take it easy at last.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nip Overload.

Mum gave me some nip on my cat tree. (The tree Eric can't get his fat butt on.)
First of all I like to scrape it up a bit to release the heavenly smell.

Then I rub my head in it.

A bit more head rubbing just for good measure.

I get so excited that I put the bitey on the curtain.

It's a good idea to use your paw to make sure you've got the nip rubbed into your face extra good.

Make sure you hold on to your cat tree though. You don't want to fall off backwards and get laughed at.

Mum took this video of me, but I got so excited that I stuck my sharp claw in her hand. You can hear her say ouch. Haha!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Tail and Toesies Tuesday

Take that flashy box away. I'm not going to open my eyes.

I don't care if the flash is turned off, I'm not looking.

What did you say? You've got treaties?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mancat Monday

It has been very rainy here lately, but last week the sun came out for a short while. We told mum she needed to go out and get some exercise. We told her not to worry as we would go with her to make sure she was safe.

Come on mum! You need to walk briskly!

Flynn: Just because I have stopped to scratch my ear is no reason for you to stop. Eric will keep an eye on you.

Okay, you can go back indoors now mum, and seeing as we have kept you safe, you can give us some treaties.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Easy Like Sunday

It's pouring with rain and blowing a hoolie. Eric is hogging the fire, and I am going to nap the day away on my ham-mick with my nip pad and nippy mousie. I think I am going to have sweet dreams.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Friday Flashback.

This week the Friday Flashback is from October 2007 and it is called:


I am watching furry keerfully out of the window because I can see an introoder. Can yoo see it by the right side of my ear?

It's a squirrel and it's eating all the nuts and seeds that the birds haf dropped.

Oh no! look there's two of them now. I wish I could git at them.See that white blob in the middle of the pikchur? It's where a dirty birdie pooped on the window.

Goodbye Mr. Squirrel,I hope yoo come back when I'm outdoors.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Eric: In our Wordless Wednesday post, every body wanted to know what I was looking at up in the tree. It was Flynn! He saw a squirrel up there and rushed up after it. I decided it would be better if I stopped on the ground and kept guard. Mum tried to take a photo of him up there but it was too dark.

Here are two more answers for you:

Eric:In our Tummy Tuesday Flynn was rolling but I refused. Everycat was saying I should roll too cuz I would enjoy it. I do love to roll, but not when that rotten flashy box is watching me!

Flynn: Earlier in the week we were both on our cat tree and several kitties said we needed a second cat tree or a bigger one. Well we do have another one in the other window by the computer.

This is a much better tree because it gets all the afternoon sun. More impawtant though is that it is a bit smaller than the other one and Eric never gets on it cuz his butt hangs off, so it is mine all mine.

Eric's cat tree looks out at the bird feeders so I like to get up there too. He gets annoyed about that.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Tummy Tuesday

Flynn: I was going to just lie here and let you admire my tummy.........

but I feel the need for a roll.

Oh yes, that is so much better.

Okay, you can admire my tummy again now.

Eric: If you think I am going to roll around as well and make a fool of myself, you can think again.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mancat Monday

When your dad parks his trailer in a different place than usual, it is impawtant to check out why.

It certainly is, and it is better that we both do it together in case there was an introoder hiding in it.

Huh! Trust Flynn to go off looking for mousies and leave me to finish our check.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Easy Like Sunday

It is hard work keeping up with all your blogging furrends and sometimes you need to take a break and have a bath. It was very thoughtful of someone to build a countertop in just the right place for me to rest my leg. It makes bathing much easier. Yup, just right for taking it easy today.


We were very sad to learn last night that our friend Bathsheba had gone to the Rainbow Bridge. She is re-united with her brother Jake who went there earlier this year. They were two of our first friends when we started blogging. We will miss you Bathsheba. Run free, happy and healthy.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Don't Scare Me.

Eric: Help! Flynn is threatening to turn his lasers on me if I don't get off the cat tree.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Friday Flashback.

The Friday Flashback is from September 2007 and is about the old Ladycat who lived with our Beans when we first got our Forever Home. A lot of you will already know her story, but there are also many of you who don't. So we would like to introduce to you our beloved

When we did the meme about how we got our names, Toby furrom The Tower Hill Mob sed his dad wuz wondering how Kitty Yumbum got her name, so we decided to do a post about her. The pikchurs aren't furry good cuz they's old photos, and mum sez it looks like there's fluff in the scanner. (Probly our furrs cuz we sit on it sumtimes.) When our dad's mum died she had 9 poodins, so our Beans adoptid them and they came to live with them and their kitty called Jelly Bean. There wuz two ladycats who nefurr had their lady gardenectomies, so mum took them to the V E T to git it done.He told her that he thought one of them wuz going to haf kittens so she left one(Auntie Cat) to git seen to, and brought the uvver one (Mother Puss) home.About two weeks later Mother Puss had seven kittens. When they wuz old enuff homes were found furr six of them, but no-one wanted the last one. Mum sed that's ok, one more won't make any diffrunts, we're keeping her, so they ended up with 11 kitties. She's not 100% sure but she finks she's the baby kitty above the black kitty wiv the bloo eyes. She nefurr reely had a proper name to start. Mum used to call her KitKat or BabyKit at furrst then furr some reason she started calling her Baby Yumbum but she duzn't reely know why. She wuz a furry nervous kitty and would only go to mum. She liked to git up on her shoulder and sit there. Mum said she wuz her bestest little girl.
As she got older her name changed furrom Baby Yumbum to Kitty Yumbum. Dad allus called her The Tyke cuz he sed she wuz miserable cuz she wouldn't let him pet her, but she wuzn't miserable reely, mum finks she wuz more shy than nervous.
Over the years all her brofurrs and sisfurrs went to the Bridge with the last one going in the beginning of 2000. She wuz furry sad and wouldn't eat much. She just moped around and didn't purr much to mum. Mum sed to dad "We're going to haf to git anuvver poodin to keep her company" Dad thought that if they got one, when Kit went to the Bridge, then the new poodin would be lonely. He said there wuz kittens at his furrends farm, and he thought they should git two.They went up and chose us. We wuz skeered at furrst cuz we wuz only five and a half weeks old, and we didn't know where our mum wuz. Then we saw this old ladycat and we said to each uvver "Look we got a new mum" and we ran ofurr to her. She ran away furrom us! We kept following her and she kept running and hissing. I (Eric) said to her, "Yoo WILL be my furrend" and efurrywhere she went, I followed. She kept gitting up on the Beans bed where we couldn't reach her. I kept on trying then eventually I managed to scrabble up there with her. She wuzn't happy, but I snuggled up beside her. Flynn wuz a bit skeered of her and didn't git so close.We kept on following her efurrywhere and in the end she said that maybe we weren't so bad and then we all started snuggling together.
When we started going furr walks in the feelds, she would allus follow us. Mum sez befurr we came along she nefurr went out of the garden. If we went wivout her she would meow at the top of her voice cuz she didn't know where we were.
We had just ofurr two happy years wiv her. Mum sez if we hadn't come to keep her company she duzn't fink she would haf lived furr anuvver two munfs after her brofurr went to the Bridge.We miss our ladycat.
This wuz her most faverit place in the winter. She liked to git her feet right in under the woodburner to keep them warm.
Yoo can see some more pikchurs of her here.
3rd APRIL 1987 - 23rd JULY 2002

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Walks and Thoughts.

We are glad our Beans are back home because it means we can go walking again.

When we were on our way back, we thought of the good time our Beans had when Grr, Midnight and Cocoa's Lady collected them from the cruise terminal and took them to visit all her kitties. Mum took lots of photos of them.

Flynn: This is my girlcatfurrend Grr. ::swoon:: She's a beauty isn't she.

Mum tried to bribe her with Temtayshuns to let her pet her, but she didn't want to know.

This is Midnight. Mum bought some fev-vers in Hawaii which were meant to represent an Hawaiian warrior's war mask and bring good luck. Midnight liked it very much.

Mum likes this photo of Midnight where she was showing off her big eyes. She enjoyed lots of scritches.

The Formerly Blonde Girl put a pumpkin hat on Midnight and she didn't mind a bit. We would have clawed it to bits if mum tried to put something like that on our heads.

Here is Cocoa with his Lady. She said he is an adorable cuddler, but he was to shy to talk to our Beans.

He looks like he would enjoy a cuddle if our Beans hadn't been introoding in his room.

Here is Rascal.

The way our dad was talking about him, we are lucky he wasn't smuggled home in the suitcase.

This is Max. He enjoyed lots of scritches too. It sounds like our Beans did a lot of scritching whilst we were locked up and deserted.
They never got to see Riley. All they saw was a flash of fur as she ran past.

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