Friday, September 30, 2011

A Walk in the Dark.

We have at last had some good sunny and hot weather the last 3 days. It has been too hot to go for walks in the afternoon, so mum has been waiting until the evening to take us out.

She took this photo of me with the flash which made me show up well, but it made the background look even darker than it really was, so she turned the flash off and used a slower exposure. The rest of the photos are dark, but they show more of the true light.

Haha! look at my tail. I was only gently swishing it, but it looks like I have got a powder puff on the end of it.

Eric joined me and we hoped we were going to go down to the badger sett, but mum said no way as they would soon be coming out.

I am nearly hidden under the hedge here.

I was listening because I could hear noises. It was the pheasants roosting in the trees. That light patch above me is Eric.

See how my white shines in the dark. Mum said she is glad we both have white markings or she wouldn't be able to see us. It was fun to go out in the dark.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Eric and Flynn- Photographer Cats.

Flynn: Well Eric, I did try to tell you to keep your head up like this when you are taking photos. Most of what you took was blurry old grass and had to be deleted.

Eric: Well I got this photo of the grass and a bit of fence.

and what's wrong with this one of dad's tractor and trailer. I would even have got mum in it if she had kept still.

I am looking over the top of the grass and you can just see a bit of the river.

On the way back dad was just putting his small tractor away so I took his photo too.

Flynn : Okay but why did you take a photo of the wire fence?
Eric: Because it was there and I wanted to.

I wanted to take another picture of dad on the little tractor, but he had gone. This is our purrison fence that keeps us in the garden.

Eric: Anyway, I don't think I did too bad a job, and if you don't think it was good enough Flynn, you do it yourself next time.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Noteworthy Archive Award.

We were given the Noteworthy Archive Blog award by Chancy the Gardener who said they had read some of our archives and enjoyed them. We should now go and read through the archives of others to find some good long forgotten posts, but we have to admit we haven't been able to find the time. We can't even keep up with visiting our friends current posts.
However there is a post that stands out in our minds. We enjoyed it so much that we went back to look for it. The post is from Fin when she wrote about The Moon. If you haven't already read it we think you should do so. If you have read it, go back and read it again. It is well worth it and mum still laughs now just thinking about it.

Several of you asked about the wire cage I was in yesterday. It's okay, I am not a prisoner in there...yet. When the Beans are home, dad leaves it in the garden because we like to sunbathe on the shelf and we can go in and out as we please. When they go on holiday, it gets pushed against the garage wall and bolted to it for security and we can get into it from the garage so we get fresh air.
I don't usually get my breakfast brought out to me, but yesterday mum kept us waiting and I got fed up and laid down on the shelf. When she called me I couldn't be bothered to go in for it, so she brought it out for me.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mancat Monday

Flynn: I've been thinking that maybe it isn't fair if I lie around taking it easy while Eric is taking photos, So I decided to go with him.

Come on Eric, no slacking, you have work to do.

Eric: All right, don't nag. Walking is very tiring especially with a camera.

I will see if there are any badgers here for me to photograph.

Flynn: Come on Eric, they won't be around during daylight. Follow me and keep your head up or you will only get close ups of the grass.

Eric: Is that better?

Slow down Flynn, this grass is very thick to walk through.

Flynn: STOP!!!
Eric: Why, what's wrong?
Flynn: Nothing, but you need to stand still like this to get a good photo.

Flynn: Right that will do. We can go back home now. Hurry up and follow me.

Flynn: Come on Eric. Do I always have to get behind you to hurry you along?

Eric: That Flynn is such a slave driver that I am completely tired out now.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Easy Like Sunday

Flynn: It is supposed to be better weather today so I shall lie here taking it easy while Eric takes the photos.

Friday, September 23, 2011


Shhhh, be very quiet, there is a mousie in here.

I am waiting very patiently for you Mr Mouse.

That's right, you come out to Flynnie.

That's not fair, you're not supposed to run back down your mousie hole. Don't you worry though, I will be back tomorrow.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Friday's Favourite Fotos Flashback.

When I was young, and if I had gone missing, mum knew she would find me on dad's tractor seat. It was lovely with all ripped plastic and lots of foam padding. He put a new seat in it because he said this one was scruffy and uncomfortable. It wasn't the same! I don't sleep there any more since he took my favourite seat away.

You're not going to make me get out are you?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A New Box.

Eric: Mum and dad came home with this very interesting box. It needs a good sniffing.

Hmm, I've sniffed it all over, now what should I do?

What any self respecting cat would do of course. See if it fits.

Umphhh! Nearly in there. You would have thought they would bring home a bigger size one for a big mancat.

Flynn: I thought you were never getting out Eric. It's my turn to have a look in there.

It will fit me better than Eric, that's for sure.

Eric: Huh! I leave the box for two minutes and Flynn takes it.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Good News!

We haven't been visiting much lately and hardly at all on Meow Like a Pirate Day. We will try and catch up a bit today.
We hadn't said anything on our blog, but 6 weeks ago when our mum went for her first cancer clinic follow up a small nodule was found. The consultant said it was possible it was an infection from all the intensive courses of antibiotics mum had been taking but he couldn't rule out that it was cancer. He put her on medication and she had to go back again today. When he examined her, the top consultant came in as well and said he was happy about it and told her she needs no more treatment. She has to go back again in 3 months to check there is no difference in it, then again in four months. Mum and dad were so happy and relieved and dad took her out for a meal to celebrate.
That is why we haven't been visiting much. Mum has tried to help us post most days, but hasn't been in the right frame of mind to help us visit. Hopefully now we can get back to normal.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Meow Like a pirate Day.

Meow Like a Pirate 2011

Ahoy thar, it be us, Cap'n Red Eric Nobeard and second mate Barnacle Breath Flynn! We're aft fer Meow Like a Pirate Day again.

We have been very busy sailin' t' seven seas on the good ship Ginger Furball. So busy we didn't have time t' tell of our adventures huntin' down scurvy rats. We be worn out from searchin' for booty from t' Spanish galleon too. Arrr tis a hard time to be a pirate.
Our good matey Mr Puddy has kindly made a picture t' show how hard our life is.

Shiver me timbers! Someone needs keel hauling. Mr Puddy what have you done! Us be telling of hard times and you be showing pictures of us with the ladies of the sea. Twas the fault of the scurvy dog who spiked our grog. T'was a good night though Arrr.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Easy Like Sunday


Did I see that flashy box?

I will ignore it, stretch and go back to sleep.

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