Monday, April 25, 2011

Tummy Tuesday and Sweet Praline.

Have you missed my lovely white tummy?

Stop looking! You're making me shy.

Our Beans are deserting us for a few days, but we don't mind this time. They are going to see GJ and his mum and dad to get some rest and relaxation before mum has to go into hospital. We have told them that they have to tell GJ that we said he has to eat more. We worry about him and know his mum and dad are very worried.

We are very sad that our dear friend Sweet Praline has made her journey to The Bridge. We know it was the hardest decision for her mom Paula, but we know it was the right and kindest one. We will miss you Miss Praline, but we won't forget you.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter

We would like to wish all our friends a happy and peaceful Easter.

And a nice easy Sunday too.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Uh oh!

First of all we want to thank all of you for your support during this difficult time. All your kind thoughts really do help.
Several of you have told us we have to work hard to make our mum and dad smile. Well we succeeded this morning.
Dad woke up about 4.30 to go to the bathroom and we asked if we could go out in the garden so he opened the door for us and went back to bed. A bit later he thought he heard a noise but didn't hear anything else so thought he had imagined it. A bit later still mum wanted to go to the bathroom and thought it was strange that we hadn't been back in to see them so went out to look in the other room.

This is what she found! There were CDs, camera boxes, heavy phone books and all sorts scattered on the floor.

The first thing that came into her mind (after she grabbed the camera) was whether it was a bird or a mouse.

She didn't see any feathers so thought it must be a mousie and I was still trying to climb through the computer desk.

She called dad to see the mess and I thought I was in big trouble but they both were laughing about it and they thanked me for starting their day with a smile. Then she picked up the worst of the mess and moved the small shelves and I helped dad catch the mousie.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tummy Tuesday and update.

Mum got her histology result today and unfortunately it was not good. She will have to go into hospital for an operation in 2-4 weeks time. We are both working hard looking after her and I am trying to make her and our dad smile by showing off my tummy. She has said she will help us post now and again but it won't be on a regular basis for the time being. She will help us to do some visiting but it won't be very much. Please keep us in your thoughts. She WILL beat the evil cancer.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Thank You.

Our mum wants to thank everyone for their kind thoughts, purrs and prayers and says she appreciates every one of them. We are doing a good job of looking after her and she is doing okay. She is waiting on test results and is thinking positive thoughts. Please can you keep thinking positive thoughts that the results are good ones.
We love you all and thank you so much for caring about us.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Blogging Break.

First of all we would like to thank everybody for all the birthday wishes.
We are taking a blogging break for a few days. Mum scheduled our last few posts ahead of time for us so that is why we have not been visiting very much lately. She had an operation yesterday and does not feel up to helping us at the moment. Maybe she will help us have a belated birthday party when she is feeling better. Please can you send her some purrs, we know she would appreciate them.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Eric and Flynn- Photographer Cats.

Mum said we didn't have any photos for today so she charged our camera up and told us we could go and take some. It was nice and sunny and warm and neither of us really felt like taking photos. Mum said all we would get would be grass close ups because we kept laying in it and hiding the camera.

Eric: I got the best photos and took this one of the field and the Dandelions growing in it.

Then I took a photo of Flynn looking at the dandelions before taking my best photo yet................

My portrait of Flynn.

What do you think of that then? Good huh? I think that now officially makes me the best photographer.
Photographer Extraordinaire.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Two for Tuesday.

Mum said we could only have a quick post today, but at least we have been released from purrison. We are hoping she is going to give us lots of time to catch up with visiting our friends.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Easy Like Sunday

I have practiced taking it Easy on Sundays for several years. I was two and a half in this photo and I am still practicing.

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