Saturday, March 31, 2012

(Not So) Easy Like Sunday

Eric: We were in the field happily nomming on grass,

When suddenly I spied something that shouldn't be there.

I had to have a second look! An introoder had dared to come into our field!

I will sneak around from the side and catch him unawares. He will be scared when he sees me puffed up.

Huh? Who put that plastic bag in our field?

Of course I knew all along it was just a bag. How dare mum question my mancatliness and call me a scaredy cat. I was only practicing puffing up for when introoders do introod.

Thanks to Ann at Zoolatry for our lovely Easter header!

Friday, March 30, 2012


The Beans are back, so that means we can enjoy the grass.....

and the sun......

and check nothing has changed since the last time we came down here.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Friday Flashback.

The Friday Flashback this week comes from April 2010 and was after we had a very cold and long winter. We had gone looking for Spring, which this year is about a month earlier than back then. Anyway, we looked and.......


It's been a long cold winter and we have kept checking to see where Spring is.

Well, at last we think it is here. The birds are building their nests.

Mr and Mrs Pigeon have returned to their nest they always use in the tree outside our window.

The daffodils have flowered well but are nearly finished now.

The dainty little primroses are flowering......

and today we saw the first violets.

Flynn: The mousies are back in full force. I hear them wherever I walk.

Mr. Pheasant is looking for a wife.

The vishus badgers are digging holes everywhere. We aren't allowed too close to their setts because they have big furroshus teeth.
Eric: Mum yelled at me because I wanted to see if anyone was home.

The grass is getting longer and greener. Yup, Spring is definitely here.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mancat Monday

A good mancat keeps the mousie population under control.

This one looks like it needs a good whapping. Mum has dedded her cordless mousie. She complains about this one but it is much more fun.

Down you go mousie, don't argue with me.

Don't look at me mum, I don't know how it got down there.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Easy Like Sunday

Eric: We have had good weather for the last week and it is getting warmer every day. The forecasters have said it will last well into next week, so I am getting my easy on the shelf of our purrison cage.

It's tiring work rolling in the sun.
The cage is only a purrison when it is bolted to the garage wall when the Beans go away. The rest of the time it is left on the edge of the lawn so we can sunbathe on the shelf.

It is a very good place for relaxing.

Might as well have a quick lick while I am here.

And a yawn and stretch.

Flynn: I prefer to lie on dad's concrete blocks.

They get nice and warm in the sun.

And I like to push my feet against the garage wall.

Eric: Actually I have heard a rumour that we are being deserted for a few days next week so it looks like I am going to get more sunbathing time than I realised. Flynn is doing our Mancat Monday post tomorrow and then we will be back on Friday with our flashback.

Friday, March 23, 2012

To Pounce or Not To Pounce.

Flynn: Look at Eric, he doesn't know I am watching him.

Now he's rolling. Shall I pounce on him?

I'm getting ready.

Eeek!!! He's seen me!!!

Eric: What was that all about?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Friday Flashback.

This week's Friday Flashback comes from April 2010 and is called:


I have found a hole and I am looking to see if any mousies are in it.

There's nothing in it. Flynn told me it's not even a mouse hole but I think he is just trying to fool me.

I will sit here and listen out for any mousies.

Silly Eric had his head down a hole that the horsies had made when they pulled a big clump of grass up.

Shh, I think I hear a mousie.

This is a real mouse hole. I'm not silly like Eric. I think he is hiding in here but don't worry, I can wait for him to come out, I'm not in any hurry.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Eric the Photographer

Eric: We haven't taken the camera out for ages so mum charged it the other day. I said I would wear it because Flynn didn't really want to.

This is a big pipe that we pass every day. Flynn likes to go in and have a good sniff. I just had a quick look in. Those are my whiskers in the top of the picture.

This field is the other side of our purrison hedge and looks up towards the road.

I stopped to nom some grass and got a close up of it. Actually there were rather a lot of grass close ups, so I told mum she had better delete them.

This is looking up towards the top field. Dad is trying to hide behind a blade of grass.

Gotcha this time dad! Sorry I chopped your head off though.

This is looking towards the road again which is behind the fence.

Here are some daffodils. I'm afraid I had paw shake. Maybe I need to get a tripod.

There's dad again. I don't know why he is waiting with the gate open though because I will go under it.

Another grass close up. I needed some more nomming.

Back in the garden. That is the hammock frame. If the good weather keeps up, I think the swing seat will soon be out.

And then indoors. Here is our cat tree with some of our toys. I hope you enjoyed our outdoor stroll.

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