Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Jungle Cat

I think I have given mum the slip, I'm going exploring on my own.

I left her at the top of the field tickling Flynn's tummy. I bet she didn't see me go.

This is an exciting place all overgrown with bracken. I'm not allowed in here because I could disappear out of sight and then mum wouldn't be able to find me.

It's like a jungle with bunny and pheasant smells.

I'm the big brave explorer going in!

If she comes looking for me, she's too late, she won't find me now.

Yikes let me out! It's dark in there and I had to put my lasers on.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Two Tails on Tuesday

When we come back from our walks, the first thing we do is eat. Notice the water bowl. We don't know why mum puts it by our biscuits, we have never ever drunk from it. We prefer to drink from the tap, or better still, rain water. Mum has put that bowl there ever since we were kittens-nine years it's been there being refilled every day!

Tuesday Bonus Pic! One Tongue on Tuesday.
Mum didn't realise until she put the photos on the computer just how long my tongue is! She said to me 'However do you get all that tongue back in your mouth Flynnie?'

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Easy Like Sunday

A nice easy Sunday with a walk in the fields.

Sitting in the grass relaxing.

Looking around watching what is going on in the world.

Letting the evening sun warm your fur.

Life doesn't get much better.

Friday, September 25, 2009


When you are mousie hunting, you have to be very very stealthy. Mum said she nearly fell asleep waiting for me. I did catch my mousie but the silly flashy box only videos for one minute, so mum missed it.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Friday Flashback

This week's Friday Flashback is from June 2007 when we got an exciting surprise in our field.


Shhh I am being stealthy. I haf spied sumfing in our field that's not yooshully there.

Look it's big fev-vers. We don't yooshully git ducks like that here, they are yooshully smaller mallards.

Here comes back up. Flynn has spied him too, and Mr. Duck duzn't efun know we're watching him.

Uh-oh, he's just seen us. Now we're haffing a three way stare down.

Note from mum:
The duck was very tame, probably from the local fruit farm. He let me pick him up, and at the third attempt I got him to fly away, "fev-vers" intact.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Climbing Trees

Flynn: I am a good tree climber and I love to climb all trees. This is an old thorn tree and a lot of the branches are dead so I have to be careful. Eric is not a good tree climber, he usually watches me from the ground. When he does try to climb, mum says he is so awkward, he's like a camel coming back down.

Eric: It doesn't look so far up that tree now I am standing on the hedge. I wonder if I should try.

This isn't so hard, I think I will keep climbing.

Wow! Look how high I am. It looks dark up there with all the leaves and the ivy. I've had to turn my lasers on so I can see where Iam going.

Hey Flynn! Look at me up here!

This is easy peasy! What do you mean Flynn, I need to go back? A dead branch? Okay I'm coming back.

It's a good job Flynn was watching, that branch could have broken and I would have crashed to the ground.

Flynn: I'm not taking my eyes off Eric until he's back down. I don't want him landing on my head.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Tuesday Tails.

You can see that when I walk towards mum, I keep my tail high. You can just see Flynn behind me with his curly tail.
I have a confession. When mum went to take this shot, we were both lying together nomming the grass. It's no secret that I hate the flashy box and If I see it, I either turn my back or walk away. I have just found though that if I walk towards mum, I am usually too close for her to get a shot. Drat! She beat me to it this time. Most of the photos she gets of me she has to use the zoom and hopes I don't notice what she is up too. With Flynn, he just sits there and smiles for the camera. Hmphh! Little poser!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mancat Monday Rasslin

When we are out walking, there's nothing better than having a rassle in the dirt.

We got this award from Laila and Minchie and also The Kitty Krew.

It says, "This Blog Makes Me Happy".


  • 1. Post the blog that you got the award from.
  • 2. Write 5 things that make you happy.
  • 3. Spread the award to 5 other blogs

Five things that make us happy:

1: Nip! That makes me (Flynn) very happy. Eric likes my plague ratsie but I think it is the valerian that works for him, not the nip.

2: Treats and the more the merrier.

3: Cuddles and scritches from mum and dad.

4: Walks. We really look forward to taking mum on her walks around the fields.

5: Stinky Goodness. We only get it at night cuz we get boring old crunchies in the morning. We really look forward to our Gourmet.

We would like to pass this award on to: Luna, Zeus, Samson and Delilah, Patches and Nemo, and Noir

Easy Like Sunday

After such a busy day walking the catwalk yesterday, then fighting off the enemy and digging for buried treasure, we think we deserve to take it easy today.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Meow Like A Pirate Day

Arrr we be very late fer the rendezvous. We got the good ship Scurvy Rat ready to sail last night, but just one bad move by the wench and her lost the lot. Arr, no ship, no pirates. Us be proper mad at her. We worked all day to get the ship ready again and set sail on the main following our map to the buried treasure. Well darn me if another ship didn't dare to cross our bow and try to steal the map. It were a proper hard battle I'm telling ye, but it's a brave man who dares to cross swords with the Ginger Marauders. Aye it were a good fight and we lost two crew, but that were naught to the state of ye other ship.

We got to land and followed the map. Pekalot the parrot helped us through the jungle and soon we found a big X marked on the ground. We set Pekalot to work with his beak and he soon dug up the buried treasure. Arr he be a good un I tell ye.

Arrrr and while my brother and the scurvy knave were digging, I sat on the shore and kept lookout for any more marauders. If they be having any sense they be keeping well clear of us or they be having a meeting with Davey Jones.
Arr and it's off to make the rendezvous now.
Avast me hearties.
Scroll down for our Catwalk Caturday

Friday, September 18, 2009

Catwalk Caturday.

Misha has declared today to be Catwalk Caturday. Neither of us wear clothes but we knew we couldn't let this important event pass us by.

Eric: I got out my beautiful blue fev-ver boa again.
Flynn: I couldn't let the side down so I wore my lei. I think we look rather handsome don't you?
Psst make sure you go and see Misha, he's posing nood. Yup you heard that right, nekkid as the day he was born. All he is wearing is a smile. Don't tell him we told you though.
Don't miss our newer post for Meow like a Pirate Day.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Friday Flashback.

This week's Friday Flashback comes from May 2007, and it is called:


Hmm What's this, I don't remember seeing this fing here befurr

I know!! I fink it's a slide, If I sit here I wonder if I can slide down it.

Oh I know what it is now, it's the sun lounger. I just remembered mum turns them upside down cuz the birdies poop on them.
Well if it's a lounger, I'd better lounge.

What better way to spend a Sunday.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

No Mousies Today.

Dad had been working in the bottom field so we thought we would go down there and see him. Suddenly we heard a noise so had to stop and listen.

Flynn: I'm not sure where the noise came from, you look left and I'll look right, then whatever it was, we're sure to see it.

Eric: Hmphh, well I don't see anything. There's nothing this way so you better look left instead and I will look right. I won't miss anything.

Flynn: Whatever it was seems to have gone. Let's check the long grass and have a nom.

Flynn: Come on Eric, that's enough nomming for now, we are supposed to be going to watch dad.

Eric: Okay, I'm coming but I think I need a rest.

Flynn: Oh all right but not too long or dad will be finished down here.

Flynn: There, what did I tell you, dad's gone back so we might as well too. Come on slow coach.

Eric: If I lie in this grass, no-one will see me and I won't get shut back in the garden. Better still, Flynn might come back to look for me and then I can pounce on him.
Flynn: Eriiiiiiiiiic! Mum's got the Greenies out.
Eric: Wait for me, I'm coming.

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