Monday, June 29, 2009

Two Tummies on Tuesday

Eric: I have been doing the Tummy Tuesdays lately because, let's face it, I've got more lovely tummy to show off than Flynn. He sulked a bit and said he wanted to do it, but I said ,'Tough, I've already done it.'

Flynn: Hehe! Eric might think he's got Tummy Tuesday all to himself, but he hasn't noticed I'm here yet. He might think he's got more tummy to show off than me, but mine is cuter.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mancat Monday

This is one of our fields where dad stole our lovely green grass. Usually it starts to turn green again after two days. It has been unusually hot and dry here and our grass is still prickly and brown. We hope it soon turns green again because it is not very tasty when it is like this.

Don't worry though because we have got green grass in our garden and in one of the fields, so we go and eat that.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Easy on Sunday

Flynn: during the hot weather, I like to sleep outdoors in my plant pot at night, but as soon as the Beans get up mum gets our breakfast and I come in to eat it. As soon as I have finished, I rush into the bedroom before mum has chance to make the bed and get under the bottom sheet. Mum says I am 'moling', as in burrowing like a mole. Eric usually joins me, but he always sleeps on top of the sheet. Mum calls us Hide a Lump and Heff a Lump when she sees us there. Very often we don't let her make the bed until the afternoon.
We had already done this post on Thursday night and scheduled it ahead for Sunday. We often do two or three posts at a time. Imagine our surprise when we visited the blog of Barb,Gandalf and Grayson's mum, Will Think For Wine on Friday morning and saw a similar post which had the exact same title as one of the tags we gave our post. As their mum said,'Great minds'!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

I Wonder.............

..........if I sleep in the Greenhouse, will I grow as big as Eric?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Friday Flashback - Molehills video.

This Friday Flashback comes from October last year. We didn't have to decide which post to use from that month, because a while back Faz asked if we could post it again as it was one of her favourites. We said when it came around, we would post it. So Faz, this one is for you.


Mum: That's it Eric, don't let it ever be said that you let a good molehill go to waste.
Eric: Really mum! You're embarrassing me. Don't you realise some things are private?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Evening Strolls..

Eric: While the weather is hotter, it is too hot to walk far during the day so mum takes us out later in the evening when it is nice and cool.The smells all seem stronger and more interesting then.

Flynn: It is nice to just sit and enjoy the cool freshness.

Eric: The water in the horse troughs tastes better too.

Flynn: Yup, we enjoy going out when it is nearly dark. It is a mancatly thing to do.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Camera Shy.

Mum: Eric do you think we could have a nice photo of you looking at the camera. I'm sure the kitties don't want to look at your butt.

Eric: Nope, you know I don't like having my photo taken. Take Flynn's photo, you know the little poser likes it. He would be in all the photos if he could.
Mum: Aww go on Eric, pleeeeease.

Eric: Oh okay, I suppose so but you better be quick. I'm only giving you the one chance at it.

Mum: Aaaaaaarghhhhh!!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Mancat Monday

I'm not supposed to be up here on top of all these blocks but it is a good place to snoopervise.

And this is what is so interesting. There are four little baby swallows in the nest. If you biggify you can see two beaks easily and if you look carefully at either end of the nest, you can just see the other two. I am just keeping guard to make sure they stay safe.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Easy on Sunday

Dad has stolen some more of our grass is making some more hay for the horses and I have been helping him by checking it was drying properly. Then we had some man time together and took it easy lying on the grass in the sun.
Happy Father's Day to our dad from both of us and to all dads everywhere.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

International Box Day

We were excited when we heard that Zoolatry were having International Box Day today cuz we both like boxes, duzn't everycat? We helped mum find all the photos on all her files so she could get our post ready in plenty of time. Then it nearly didn't happen when the compooter died, but mum looked through all her back up flash drives and we got the photos onto the laptop instead.
We've got a tattle tail about mum and the laptop before you look at our box photos. Mum usually uses the laptop on the sofa or at the table but because the PC isn't working, she put it on the compooter desk. She went to print something this morning and we heard her yell 'I DON'T BELIEVE IT!! NOW THE LAPTOP WON'T WORK!' Do you know what silly mum did? She pulled out the shelf with the PC keyboard and was typing on there, then she wondered why no words were coming up on the laptop. You would think she would learn after the first time wouldn't you, but oh no, she did it time and time again.
Anyway, that's enough of that. Here are our box pictures.

Flynn: Not long after we started blogging, Grr, Midnight and Cocoa had a competition and we won. Part of our purrize was this great box with shreddy paper in.

I love this box and I could smell my girlcat furrend Grr in it. It made the bestest bed.
I have even still got it now. When I sleep in it I dream of Grr.

Eric: I wanted to see what was so great about the box so I thought I would try it. I think it is a bit small for me.

Flynn: This is another good box but I don't have it any more.

It was very comfy though.

Eric: I seem to have a problem finding a box to fit me.

They all seem to have shrunk.

No, no success with this one either.

At last! A box I can move around in!

And another one. What do you mean, it's not a box? It's lovely and comfy with the washing in the bottom. If I close my eyes I can purrtend it is a box.

When I was younger and smaller I used to fit in all sorts of boxes.

Flynn: Bet you wouldn't fit in this box then.

This is a nice big box. It's where our Christmas tree lives when it's not Christmas.

Eric: You're right! It's big enough for two.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Relaxing in the Garden.

We have been keeping out of mum's way today. She is not happy!
If mum isn't happy, it's safest to go out in the garden.
We purrtended we didn't hear all the bad words.
She had got the photos of us in boxes and put in a file together for Box Friday. She had some spare time this morning so she thought she would do the post and schedule it, so she turned the pooter on ready. Nuffin! Nope, nuffin at all! The pooter has died!
Luckily she had backed most of her photos and everything else to flash drives. She had done it to the middle of May so no big disaster.At least she could get them on her laptop. Trubble was she had to go through all her photos again to find us in boxes then put them into another file. You can bet your life she backed that file up right away. We gave her lots of purrs and it seems to have calmed her down. We learned lots of new words for the bad word list though.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Tummy Tuesday and Awards

I don't know why mum chose this photo of me. It makes me look short and fat and really I'm quite long and slim. Not only that, it shows off my pink patch on my tummy. It is where I have baffed all my furrs away. She better choose better photos next time or she will feel my claws.

We have got behind with our awards again. We got this one from Siena and Chilli. Thank you to them. We would like to pass it on to some of our newest furrends who are:
Leia, Samson and Delilah, Reese, Luna
and Dante, Dylan and Domino.

We also got this one from Ginger Jasper and Derby. We have already had this award and you can read about it here.
Thanks GJ and Derby. We appreciate all our awards no matter how many times we get them.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mancat Monday

Now there is some new hay in the barn, we have to work very hard on mousie lookout. We make sure mum pays us well with treats.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Easy on Sunday

Eric: We do still have some more long grass, it just means I have to go further if I want to sit in it. I hope dad doesn't cut it too soon . He says as soon as the weather is good, it's all going to disappear like our other grass. I'm going to make the most of it and have an easy Sunday sitting in it. I may even nap in it.
Flynn: While Eric is guarding the grass, I am taking it easy on Sunday and stopping to smell the flowers.

Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm embarrassed.

What do you mean, I've got a saggy belly?

You've embarrassed me now.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Friday Flashback

The Friday Flashback this week is from September last year and it's called:


Eric: It's nice to get out and sit in the fields when it is actually not raining furr once.

I wonder what Flynn is doing down there.

Flynn: Don't interrupt me. There is a very interesting smell down here.

Eric: Well in that case I'd better come down and check it out furr myself.

Eric: Is this the right place Flynn?

Oh yes, I can tell it is. You're right Flynn, it is interesting.

Very interesting. I wonder what has been here.

If in doubt, pee on it, after all, they are our fields, not the introoder's.

There will not be a Friday Flashback next week as we will be taking part in National Cats in Boxes Day.

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