Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Solved, The Mystery of the Disappearing Grass

Flynn: We were excited the other day when we found our grass again, even if it had gone all dry and fluffy. Then the next day we came out to play in it again, and you won't believe this..... it had gone AGAIN!! I just sat there and tried to work out what wuz going on.

Eric: I suddenly noticed the tractor and hay baler outside the barn. I had my suspicions what had happened so went to tell Flynn.

Eric: After Flynn and I had discussed what wuz going on, I laid down in the shade of the tractor to think things over.

We decided we would go and look for our grass but knew it would be thirsty work, so we had a drink first.

Flynn: We decided the hay barn wuz the best place to look. There wuz an old sack on the floor, so I checked to see if the grass was in there. It wuzn't.

When I came out of the sack, Eric and I suddenly saw it! There it was! Our grass, but now it wuz all packed up and made into hay for the horsies for the winter.

Now we had solved the mystery of the disappearing grass, we could relax and have a baff on the bales. Mum would never think to look for us in here.

Huh! We've been spotted! How did she know we wuz in here?

Oh well, it's no fun now it's not a seekrit place. We might as well go and find sumwhere else to hide.

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