Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bye for Now.

The cases are out and that can only mean one thing - they are off gallivanting again. We won't move and maybe they will pack us and we can go too.
They are going to the Greek Islands and Venice and Dubrovnik. They leave tomorrow so this will be our last post for two weeks. Our Holiday Auntie will be here to look after us and we are hoping to persuade her to give us extra treats. We will see you all in a little over two weeks.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Tummy Tuesday

I love to get on these concrete blocks. The sun makes them nice and warm.

And when I'm warm I like to show my tummy. I'm all ready for some tummy rubs and chin scritches so who is first?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Miscellaneous Mancat Monday

Eric: It is a bit of a mish mash today and first we have me with the flower.

Flynn: Now I will show you how to pose properly Eric.

Eric: Helping dad dig out his trench.

Eric: Hey! Watch where you are peeing Flynn!

Flynn - Camouflage Cat.

Eric: I love our new drinking fountain and like to play with it too. If you turn your sound on you will hear mum yell at me. Flynn likes to drink from the stream but doesn't play with it.

On Saturday we said our mum and dad were celebrating their Lace Wedding Anniversary. We didn't realise it then but lace covers the 13th anniversary too. This is what it says:

39th anniversary: Lace
There is no traditional material for the 39th wedding anniversary but the modern lists state lace, which also marks the 13th. Twenty six years on, it may be time to replace that tablecloth!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Easy Like Sunday with Dewey.

Last week we were very lucky to be the non US/Canada winners of the second Dewey book, Dewey's Nine Lives in Cory's drawing.
We are going to have a nice relaxing Sunday, and mum can read it to us.

It looks very interesting, and Dewey was even the same colour as us.

Come on mum, are you going to read it to us now?

Yup, it looks like a great read. Thanks ever so much Cory and family.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Flynn and the Mouse Hole.

When we were on our way back from a walk, I saw a mousie hole. Of course every one knows you can't leave mousie holes unexplored.

We would like to wish our mum and dad a very happy wedding anniversary today. We didn't think there was a traditional gift for their anniversary like silver, golden, ruby etc. so we googled it and found out it is their lace anniversary.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Friday Flashback.

This week the Friday Flashback comes from November 2009 and is called:


Mum gave me some nip on my cat tree. (The tree Eric can't get his fat butt on.)
First of all I like to scrape it up a bit to release the heavenly smell.

Then I rub my head in it.

A bit more head rubbing just for good measure.

I get so excited that I put the bitey on the curtain.

It's a good idea to use your paw to make sure you've got the nip rubbed into your face extra good.

Make sure you hold on to your cat tree though. You don't want to fall off backwards and get laughed at.

Mum took this video of me, but I got so excited that I stuck my sharp claw in her hand. You can hear her say ouch. Haha!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Presents from our Friends.

When our mum and dad met GJ's and Milo and Alfie's parents on Sunday they brought presents home with them.

GJ's mum made this beautiful gold shawl for our mum. Our mum said it will be perfect for on their cruise next week. His mum and dad got this mug for our dad. It has got our pictures on the front.

This is the back of our dad's mug. They gave our mum this pretty kitty scarf too.

Milo and Alfie sent back treats and balls for us. Their mum had read the original Dewey book and has pawed it forward to our mum who will paw it forward when she has read it.

Eric: Hmmm, this smells good.

I like this ball too.

Oops, I dropped it.

Mum has thrown it back up for me. Thanks mum.

Flynn: I have got a ball too and it is fun to play with.

I keep patting it off the cat tree so mum can pick it up again. I think she likes this game.

I am trying to bunnykick it here. It is a bit small to hold onto and kick at the same time, so I had to stick my tongue out to concentrate.

Thanks GJ and Milo and Alfie and your parents for all our lovely gifts.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Happy Tock-Tober Birthday Derby.

We wish you a happy birthday Derby....

with lots of 'tocks...
and many,
many more.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Meeting Friends

On Sunday our mum and dad told us they were going to meet Ginger Jasper and Milo and Alfie's mums and dads and that we couldn't go. Well we decided that wasn't right. If it wasn't for us they wouldn't have been meeting up in the first place. We all had a Flat Cat discussion and decided whether they liked it or not, we were all going too!

They had a carvery lunch first and there was lots of talking and laughing going on. When they had finished, they went out into the garden to carry on talking and to take photos.
This is the view of the back of the pub and restaurant taken from the garden. It is called the Highwayman's Haunt and is very old.

Alfie took Milo off checking out the gardens while we relaxed on one of the tables with GJ for a while.
Eric: I really must tell mum that I think she is overdoing my diet. Even Skinny Flynnie is bigger than me now.

GJ's dad did an impression of Harry Hill and made everybody laugh.

Then the Beans joined us by the table.
Back row l to r GJ's dad, our dad, Milo and Alfie's dad.
Front row, our mum and Milo and Alfie's mum, and of course us.

Then we got a bit of cuddling for the next photo.
L-R Our dad and Eric, GJ's mum and GJ, our mum and Flynn, GJ's dad.

Then Milo and Alfie came back from exploring the gardens and joined us all for a group photo.

Then we said that is enough of having the Beans in our photos, we wanted one on our own.
We didn't get a kitty bag from any food they left but we did get a goody bag each from Milo and Alfie with yummy treats and lovely woolly balls. Thanks Milo and Alfie. Their mum pawed forward the original Dewey book to our mum and when she has read it, she will paw it forward too.
Ginger Jasper's mum knitted a gorgeous shawl for our mum which she said will be ideal for cooler nights on their cruise. (Oh, did we forget to tell you, we are being locked up again in just over a week's time.) And she got a lovely scarf with lots of kitties on it. Dad got a mug with us on it and he loves it! We will show those pictures later because they are on the other camera.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mancat Monday

This is near where the badgers run. We really want to visit them but mum won't let us. She says they are more savage than the Vishus Deer. We were heading that way when we had to stop in our tracks. What is that smell?

We both had to give it a really good sniff. It definitely wasn't here yesterday.

Flynn: What do you think it is Eric? Do you think the badger has come up to look for us?

Eric: I don't know but you know my motto, if in doubt, pee on it.

Our Beans had a lovely Sunday lunch with GJ's and Milo and Alfie's Humans. We will be putting up photos later in the week.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Easy Like Sunday

We are keeping each other company because we are upset. Our mum and dad are going out to Sunday lunch and meeting the parents of some of our friends. We thought we would be going to meet them but they said we have to stay home and look after the place.

They are meeting Ginger Jasper's Beans. They are staying at a place called Torquay which is about 30 miles from where we live.

They are meeting Milo and Alfie's Beans too. They live about 30 miles from Torquay in the other direction. We hope they all have an enjoyable meet up but we wish we were going.
Do you think they may bring us home a kitty bag from their meal?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Friday Flashback.

The Friday Flashback is once again from September 2009 and is called:


Dad had been working in the bottom field so we thought we would go down there and see him. Suddenly we heard a noise so had to stop and listen.

Flynn: I'm not sure where the noise came from, you look left and I'll look right, then whatever it was, we're sure to see it.

Eric: Hmphh, well I don't see anything. There's nothing this way so you better look left instead and I will look right. I won't miss anything.

Flynn: Whatever it was seems to have gone. Let's check the long grass and have a nom.

Flynn: Come on Eric, that's enough nomming for now, we are supposed to be going to watch dad.

Eric: Okay, I'm coming but I think I need a rest.

Flynn: Oh all right but not too long or dad will be finished down here.

Flynn: There, what did I tell you, dad's gone back so we might as well too. Come on slow coach.

Eric: If I lie in this grass, no-one will see me and I won't get shut back in the garden. Better still, Flynn might come back to look for me and then I can pounce on him.
Flynn: Eriiiiiiiiiic! Mum's got the Greenies out.
Eric: Wait for me, I'm coming.

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