Monday, January 31, 2011

Tummy Tuesday

Mum stores all her photos on the desktop but then she found some older photos on her laptop which she doesn't think she has posted before. Here is my tummy on a nice sunny June day.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Easy Like Sunday

We hope you all have a nice relaxing Sunday.
Flynn: I will change position from time to time but once Eric is comfy, no way will he move.

Friday, January 28, 2011

An Award.

We got this award from Punapipurri
Thank you for thinking of us.
1. Link to the blog who gave the award - done that!
2. Say seven things about ourselves that might not be public knowledge
3. Pass this on to seven blogs we think are stylish.

So now we have to think of seven things about ourselves.
1. Flynn: I have recently started a new career as a photographer.
2. Eric: I love to be zoom groomed. We have got two and when I am being zoom groomed on my body, I do my own face with the other one. I rub my face on it really hard.
3. Flynn: I like to sing. Mum calls it yowling but I don't know why. I go out in the garden when it is dark and sing at the top of my voice. I do it in daylight too.
4. Eric: I love water. When mum or dad are in the bath I like to join them. I don't actually get in the water but I lie on them with my tail and paws floating. When they see me coming they grab a towel quick for me to sit on because I like to make biscuits in the bath and it makes them say ouch.
5. Flynn: If I don't like the Stinky Goodness we are given, I eat it with my paw and flick it on the fridge.
6. Eric: I am very ticklish. Just being stroked makes me bite my feet.
7. Both of us: We get our teeth brushed every day because Eric gets rapid tartar build up.Dad does it and uses the old head from an electric toothbrush and Logic oral gel. We are very good to have it done.

Now we are passing it on to:
Madi, The Taylor Catsssss, Penelope, Simba, Sagira, Rumbles, Angel, Kirby and Mac,

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Friday's Favourite Fotos Flashback.

Some more baby photos!

This was either the first or second day we were in our new home. We were sleeping in the PTU when we first came home because we felt safe in there. When mum went to look at us again we had disappeared. She found us behind the door curled up asleep together by the ironing board.

We liked to play THoE right from the beginning but it left us tired right out. We still like to sleep side by side or curled up together a lot of the time.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Flynn's Photo Travels.

Mum took us both for a walk in the fields today and I wore the camera. We were asked if it was heavy to wear around our necks, but no, it is very light.
We came in the gate by the hay barn and I did the thing I always do first on our walks, peed against the barn. That is what I am doing while I took this photo. I think that means I can multi task.

I walked over to the bank and looked into one of the horsie fields. Silver lives in this one and I don't think he wanted his photo taken because he was hiding in the shelter.

There is a pile of concrete blocks on the edge of the field that dad is waiting to use, so I jumped up on them to get a better view.

Then I jumped back down and started to walk up to the next field. You can see Danny the horse in the top corner.

This is the other side of the hedge from where Danny is and this is where I find lots of mousies. We are not allowed over the hedge when Danny is there though because she snorts at us and chases us.

I heard movement here and was keeping very still. I pounced and the camera bounced up and hit me on the chin. I was not happy because that meant Mr. Mouse got away.

There was no point staying there so I walked back down to the hay barn.

There are always mousies here in the tufts of grass.

I could hear him moving around under the thick grass and kept patting with my paw to try and find him, but no luck.

I had a last look over at Silver's field before I decided to go back indoors.
Mum was hoping I would get a photo of Eric but he kept walking behind me. She knows he doesn't like having his photo taken.
Mum said I am a very good boy because I don't mind the collar or the camera. I only worry a little bit when she takes it off in case she strangles me. I got lots of treats for being a good boy.
Eric doesn't like it very much. He keeps shaking his head and rubbing his paw on it so I will be the main photographer. Eric got treats as well though, but not as many as me, but don't tell him that.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Eric the Photographer.

Mum put the camera on me today and told me I could go and take some photos.

I jumped off the bed, past the chest of drawers....

.....and past our cube. You can just see Flynn's ear in there.

I headed out to the garden. We aren't sure if the white stripes in the photo are my whiskers or just single furrs.

I went down the garden towards the big shed....

....before heading for the Azaleas. That scruffy blue cord is where mum wants to put edging for the shrubs. Mum said the Azaleas look more like trees from my perspective.

Then we went down the track to the fields.

Yikes! I took a photo of mum's foot.
That was all we got because silly mum forgot to delete Flynn's photos from the camera and it was full up. She has set it to delete every time she downloads now so she doesn't make that mistake again.
Guess what. Flynn was asleep in the cube and didn't even know we had been out Har har har!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Tummy Tuesday

I have just finished washing my tummy so it is nice and clean if you want to snorgle it.

I was asked how the camera takes photos. There are two little buttons on either side of it, one for turning it on and off, and the other to set how often the photos are taken. It is set to automatically take photos every minute but can be set for every 15 minutes. It doesn't make any noise to scare me, it just has a little light which blinks to show it is turned on and when it is going to take a photo it blinks faster. Mum is hoping I will take some more photos for her tomorrow.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mancat Monday- Camera Cat.

Yes, you were all right. I was wearing a collar for the first time in my nearly 11 years of life! This is the reason why.

Our friend Emerson won a pet camera in a competition from Skeezix but said as he was indoors only he thought we would get more interesting photos than him.
Mum decided I should be the one to try it first as I explore more than Eric but he will be trying it later. She bought a collar and put that on me indoors for a few minutes at a time to get me used to it then a couple of days later put the camera on the collar. I wasn't very sure about it but I didn't freak out. She said she was surprised how good I was with it. Then she let me go in the garden wearing it for a few minutes. She won't let me go in the fields with it for a few days yet. Here are some of my first photos.

My very first photo. I hid in the cube to start with and these are the fev-vers on my fev-ver butt mousie.

Then I decided to hide under the dining room chair.

When I realised that the thing hanging on my neck wasn't going to strangle me, I ventured outdoors and looked at the greenhouse.

Mum followed me to make sure I was all right, and of course she had to take photos of me taking photos.

Walking down to the hedge. Interesting things like mousies live under there.

I sat down and focused on a blade of grass so I could get a good photo of it.

Not bad for a beginner eh?

Then I thought I would have a nom on it.

Nom nom nom.

Okay, that's enough for my first attempt! I'm going back to the fire. There were a lot more photos than this but most were blurry when I kept lying down trying to hide the camera in the beginning. Mum was surprised how clear the other ones came out though.
Thanks ever so for thinking of us Emerson and for the Greenies. We don't have your email address so please can you email us at
ericandflynn1 AT gmail DOT com so we can thank you properly.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Easy Like Sunday

I have had lots of fun playing with our toys and now I am tired out. My tail is so tired it didn't even make it back out of the cube.

Can you see anything different about me?

How about now?

Friday, January 21, 2011

Nippy Carrots and Purrs

Mum gave me nip and I had my nippy carrot too. It made me purr.
Watch it on You Tube if you have trouble playing it.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Friday's Favourite Fotos Flashback.

At the beginning of December we said our Friday Flashbacks were coming to an end as we had got to the end of 2009 and didn't want to repeat 2010 yet. We were thinking of looking back through our older photos and posting our favourites.The older ones are pre digital and are either scanned or photos taken of the photos, so like the two today are not very good quality. We hope you still enjoy them.

Baby Eric and Flynn.

Eric and Kitty YB.
Eric: She didn't want anything to do with us when we first came but I was determined that she would love me and was very soon able to climb on the bed to sleep next to her. She was only a little kitty weighing 6lbs so you can see how small I was then.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Thirsty Thursday

Our very favourite place to drink is from this big dish. It is really a spare litterbox that doesn't get used. It stays outdoors and catches all the rainwater, and since this photo was taken, the water is now only an inch from the top.

I like to stand with my front feet in the water when I drink and sometimes have all four feet in the water. It is something I have done ever since I was a little kitten.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tummy Tuesday

I am waiting for tummy tickles and snorgles.

Aww go on, you know you want to, and if you do........

I will do curly toes for you.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mancat Monday

Ha! Flynn has actually got out of the cube. Now is my chance to check it out properly.

There are too many toys in here.

He pulls them all in with him.

The Ham-Mick is free too. Flynn must be out in the garden.

Just checking for treats while I am here but no luck. Maybe I will stop and have a nap on the Ham-Mick anyway.

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