Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I'm waiting for the pheasant to jump up by the daffodils. He comes to eat the bird seed that has fallen from the feeders. I know he is hiding behind the tree. Maybe I will go out and chase him off.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Derrick and Lynn

We've got new friends! They came from Cat Lady in Provincetown. We won her giveaway and she sent Derrick the mancat on the left and Lynn the ladycat on the right to live with us. They brought their chick friends, Peep and Cheep with them too.
Flynn: Peep and Cheep had been rolling in nip and I'm afraid I tried to eat one of them, but mum rescued him.

They all said hello to some of mum's cats that she collects. Peep and Cheep jumped right in the wheelbarrow with the Barrow Kitties.

Then Derrick and Lynn went over to say hello to the Watering Can Cats.

Then they saw Fisher Cat and went to look at his goldfish.

The excitement of the fish was too much for them so they jumped in the pond to try and catch Mr. Fish.
When they calm down after all their excitement, we know they will love their new home.

Monday, March 29, 2010


We got the Mood Ring award from Misty at The Crew and Ginger Jasper.
They both gave us the green part of the ring.

This great award was created by Katie.
Each recipient must share four things about themselves that represent the four colors of the mood ring: Pink, Blue, Orange and Green.

Pink: What can we say about our selves and pink? Oh of course, we both have pink paw pads. Being Mancats, we really can't think of anything else pink about us.
Blue: We like to lie out in the sun and look up at the blue sky. We haven't seen much of it lately and are waiting for the rain to stop so we can see it again.
Orange: Well this is easy, we are both orange and white, although in the UK we are more often known as ginger and white.
Green: This is easy for us too. We love going for walks in our green fields.

Each recipient must choose four COLORFUL friends to give the award to. Don't forget to say who they are and give a link to their blog. If you'd like, add in a little something about why you've chosen them.

We don't know if the friends we have chosen to pass it on to have already received it, but we always say it is an honour to get it more than once, and we hope they feel the same.
Pink: Poppy Q as every time we see her lovely face, it makes us feel in the pink.
Blue: Pumpkin for his lovely blue eyes.
Orange: China Cat because she is another orange cat like us.
Green: Paddy and Dushi because they are always in the green of their garden and trees.

Be sure to post the MOOD RING AWARD badge in your blog post and a link back to your friend that gave you the award. Of course you should thank the person who gave it to you. And thank Katie for coming up with such a fun idea.

We also got the Sunshine award from Danielle and Noll. Thank you to both.
We should pass this on to twelve more, but we would just like anybody to take it who would like it.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mancat Monday

I love my Zoom Groom so much that mum leaves it on the cat tree for me and I groom my own face.

I like to get it between my front legs and rub my face on it.

When I have finished, I guard it so no-one can take it away.

Our 1000th post is coming up very soon so we are giving away a package. We will send the package to who ever leaves the 17th comment on our 999th post . We started blogging on 20.07.2006. so we added 2+7+2+6 to decide which comment would win. We will announce the winner on our 1000th post.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Easy Like Sunday

I'm going to take it easy and not tire myself too much by blogging all day. I'll have a quick bath....

.....and a long snooze.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Payback Time.

Flynn doesn't know it yet, but I've pinched his hairy blankie. That will pay him back for calling me a widebody on Wednesday.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Friday Flashback.

This Friday Flashback came from September 2008 and is an old scanned photo and was posted as a:


If you intend to climb trees when you are a big Mancat, it is impawtunt to practice while you are a Mancat in Training. This is an Elderberry tree which I started on when I was nearly four months old.

It was good training because now I climb huge Oak trees.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Photo Meme.

We got tagged by Victor Tabbycat, Puss in Boats and Elin to do the photo meme. We did this one over a year ago, but that was on the old 'pooter, and all the folders are in a different order now. It is a fun game and we are glad to do it again.
Here's what we have to do:
Open your first photo folder.
Scroll down to the 10th photo. Post that photo and tell the story behind it. Tag 5 more bloggers.

Our first folder is called 'Altered Photos' where mum plays around with picnik and other different free sites. This is the 10th photo and it was looking up across one of our fields at the sunset. She played around with the colours and blur effects and finished with 'hypnotise'.

Now as you can see, there are no kitties in this photo and that is just not right, so we have cheated and put up the 11th photo too. Heeeere's Flynnie!!

Now we need to tag five more bloggers.
We have to choose Zoolatry because they have so many wonderful photos. Also we choose: Brian, Paddy and Dushi, Fat Eric, Abby and the Gang.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Widebody Wednesday

Flynn: Haha! Mum hasn't done any Widebody Wednesdays for a long time and Eric is very glad about that. I was looking at the photos on the 'pooter that mum took the other day and I saw this one of Eric, and managed to post it all on my own without him knowing. Is that a widebody or is that a widebody? Har har har!
Don't tell him what I've done though or he will sit on me and squish me into a flat cat. Har har har!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Two Tummies on Tuesday

Flynn: Before the weekend, it had been dry for over a week so the earth was just right for rolling on. Earth in your fur feels really good.

Eric: While Flynn was rolling in the earth, I decided to soak up a few rays.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mancat Monday and Awards.

A good Mancat will give up his nice comfy plant pot to sit on the lily bulbs if they are too slow growing.

Oh hello mum. I didn't see you watching me through the kitchen window.

We got two lovely awards on Saturday.

The You Rock award was given to us by Teri and the Furrydance Cats. There are no rules apart from passing it on to five other blogs that rock. We would like to pass it to:
Gandalf, Grayson, Whitey and Gracie, Billy Sweetfeets, Zippy, Sadie and Speedy,
Parker, Monty Q,

We also got the Beautiful Blogger award, and that was given to us by Ginger Jasper. We have to say seven beautiful things about ourselves and pass it on to seven others. Now we have to try and think of seven things.
1. Eric: I give mum a good head massage every night, but when she starts yelling that I am pulling her hair out by the roots I lie on dad's head to keep it warm for him.
2. Flynn: I am a very good mouse catcher and I bring them back as presents for my mum.
3. Eric: I like to keep my dad company on the recliner and make biscuits on his tummy for him.
4. Flynn: Whenever mum is on the computer, I make sure I am sat on the desk so she doesn't get lonely.
5. Eric: If the garage door is open, I like to get in dad's tractor and warm his seat up for him before he goes to work.
6. Flynn: When mum has her breakfast, I like to climb onto her shoulder and snuggle against her neck.
7. Both of us: When it isn't raining we like to take mum for walks around our fields because we know the exercise and fresh air is good for her.
Now we would like to pass it on to:
Angel and Kirby , Adan and Lego, Cat of Nine Tails, Daisy and Harley, Pierro, Poppy Q, and last but not least, Dante, Dylan and Domino.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Easy Like Sunday

Uh oh, here she comes with the flashy box.

Don't worry dad, I'll keep the light out of your eyes.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Best Use of Green-Out takes.

Mum wanted me to enter Brian's Best use of Green for his St. Patrick's Day competition and only thought she was going to get some photos of me wearing her green scarf. Fat chance!

I walked towards her and refused to look up.

Then she had the nerve to put me on the concrete blocks and asked me to smile nicely. Hmphh! she had to be joking!
She gave up then and used some older photos. I don't know why she didn't just do that in the first place.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Friday Flashback.

The Friday Flashback this week is from September 2008 when we were enjoying some time in dad's tractor. It is called:


Eric: Come on Flynn, are you going to budge up so I can share the seat?

Eric: Hmphh, he didn't have to go, I would have shared with him. Where did you go Flynn?

Flynn: I'm up here waiting for the sun to shine. Are you coming up.

Eric: I'm here. Do you think I would make a good mascot on the front of the tractor Flynn? Flynn?? Now where has he gone?

Flynn: Hehe, now he's up there, I can have my seat back all to myself.
We got an honourable mention in Brian's competition for the best use of green. We got it for the best green noms. Thank you Brian.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Playing with Holes

Dad dug a big hole specially for me to play in. Mum thought it was to put her rose bush in, but what does she know!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

St. Patrick's Day - Best Use of Green.

Brian is having a competition for St. Patrick's Day. Here is our entry for best use of green.
With all the lovely green grass we get, we like to put it to good use.

We nom it..........

We explore in it.........

We take a pleasant afternoon stroll in it..........

We rest our weary feet in it..........

Whilst enjoying the sunshine..........

And of course we just relax in it..........

And have a little snooze.
Happy St. Patrick's Day everybody.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Tummy,Tail and Toesies Tuesday.

There is nothing like a good roll in the dirt in the sunshine.

Unless of course you see some pheasant poop and can roll your face in it without your mum noticing. She did notice though before I could reach it.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mancat Monday

Flynn: With Spring coming, there seem to be more and more interesting smells. I think a squirrel may have climbed this tree.

Eric: Something has been here too. It may be the introoder cat who poops outside our gate.

We don't stop and sniff here. The badgers have made these big holes for their setts. We hurry past because they have big sharp teeth.

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