Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Taking a Break.

We will try and visit as many friends as possible today and then we get locked up early tomorrow morning. We will see you all in two weeks time.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Tummy Tuesday and our dad's birthday.

We want to wish the best dad in all the world a very Happy Birthday. We love you dad.

Flynn: Just a minute, you've caught me before I've got my tummy ready.

Eric: ::watching::

Flynn: Have you ever had the feeling you are being watched?

Eric: Chaaaaaarge!

Flynn: Yikes! What happened? I feel like I've been hit by a tornado!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mancat Monday.

There is nothing I like better than to play in the earth.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Easy Like Sunday

I've got my Ham-Mick back!
Eric went out in the garden to watch the pigeon (yes, he is still here) so I jumped in quick!
Thanks Zoolatry for our lovely new header.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Hide and Seek.

Eric: We had been for another walk and were just relaxing in the long grass.

Flynn: Mum has to keep watching us or we sneak off in the long grass when she isn't looking and then she can't see us.

Somebody else must not have been able to see us either. This pretty blue Damselfly came and perched on the grass next to us. Damselflies are like Dragonflies but smaller, and when they perch on the grass they fold their wings back against their body, unlike Dragonflies who keep their wings outstretched.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sleeping Contest.

The Friday Flashback will be back on August 13th.

We saw that Kat's Kats are having a sleepy competition so we thought as we do lots of napping that we should enter.

We like to nap on the bed together.

We usually are touching each other when we sleep, but not always.

We like to sleep together on the recliner too.

Eric often likes to show his tummy when he sleeps whether it is indoors..........

or outdoors.

But sometimes he is so tired he just collapses in a heap.

And once he is asleep, he takes a lot of waking.

Flynn prefers to sleep on his back with his paws curled.

Or on the desk with his paws all in a pile.

But it doesn't take long before he is sleeping on his back again.

He also likes to stretch out on the desk. Maybe he needs a bigger one.

Or maybe it is safer to stretch out on the bed.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Visitor.

Flynn: Hey what are you doing here? This is my sunbathing spot.

You're supposed to be afraid of me, why aren't you flying away?

You do realise I could have you for my supper don't you.

Hmphh, if you are going to ignore me, I will turn my back on you too.

Oh good, mum's fattening him up for us.

Eric: If I watch him from behind this wire mesh he won't be able to see me.

He has come closer, do I dare pounce with mum watching me?

Huh! The cheek of it. He is drinking our rain water now.

Note from mum:
We had heavy rain and very strong wind the night before these photos were taken. The pigeon is a ringed homing pigeon and was probably exhausted from the bad weather. He was looking very sorry for himself and let me catch him. His ring had this year's date on it so this is probably his first year of racing. The boys were very interested but couldn't understand why he wouldn't fly which is most likely what saved him as there is no point in catching something that just sits and looks at you. He is now looking much better and flying as soon as I or Eric and Flynn approach and should very soon fly back to his own loft.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Our 4th. Blogversary

Today is our 4th Blogoversary, and before we do anything else we would like to thank Ann at Zoolatry for the lovely picture she made for us. Also we want to thank all our visitors for being our friends. Things have changed a lot since we started. There were nowhere near as many blogging kitties then and we were able to visit most blogs on most days. Now we can't even keep up with our Reader, but we try and visit as many of you as possible.
We are very glad to know all of you and feel like we are part of one big family.
The following is our first ever post. Tummy Tuesday follows at the end.

Our very first post:

Well we finally got here.First we would like to say a big hello to Fat Eric, who suggested we get our own blog, so "Hello Fat Eric:))))" Our mum said we could have one of our own when they came back from their holiday, but that was ages ago.We've kept on and on at her so we could tell other kitties about us, but then she said it was too hot to be indoors.Last night we wouldn't let her sleep and kept walking all over her, so now she has given in and here we are.
I'm the main man and my name is Eric but I will let Flynn have his say after.I'm a big handsome semi long haired ginger and white kitty known as Big Eric or Big E to my friends. I weigh in at 20 lbs, and have been on a diet for about 6 months. I did lose a pound a while back, but now I am back up to my favourite weight. I've just got big bones. Don't know why the beans laugh at me when I say that though.My hobbies are eating and sleeping and going out to watch Flynn catch mice. When he catches them, he usually lets me eat them.
It has been so hot lately, I have been sleeping under the fan or under the hedge in the garden. Mum bean said she would shave my fur off for me, but I gave her such a look she hasn't mentioned it since. I think she was joking but you never know do you?
Some time ago Dad bean made a big cage and fixed it to the outside of the bedroom window, so that means we can go in and out the window at night and be safe. It really is good to be able to sleep out under the stars in this hot weather and know that nothing nasty can get at us.I forgot to say, don't worry we only have downstairs rooms, so we can't fall out a long way, and dad bean made a ramp for us to walk up and down.
Flynn keeps prowling backwards and forwards, so I had better let him have a go.He'll only get in a huff else and start hissing at me.
Hello everyone, I thought he would never move. My name is Flynn and BigE is my brother. I am the slimline one and only weigh 13 lbs. I'm the one that does all the work around here. I love catching mice, but can't be bothered to eat them, so usually give them to Eric. After all he's got a waistline to keep up.Mum bean says I'm hyperactive and that I can't walk any where. I still go out hunting in this hot weather, but it makes me pant when I get back. I was in trouble yesterday cos I caught a bird. Mum took it away and put it in a safe place. Doesn't she realise how difficult it is to catch them in this weather? Anyway she said it was gone this morning, so I tried to find it again, but couldn't.
I'll tell you a bit about us before Eric butts in again.
We were born on a farm about a mile away and our beans had to take us home too early. The farmer said that there was a big bad tomcat around, and he kills baby kitties. So our beans were afraid he would get us, so we went to live with them when we were only 5 1/2 weeks old.
They bought us all the proper baby kitty food and made sure we were safe.They think that is why we are big, cos all the other kitties on the farm are only about 8lbs, and didn't get nice food like us. We have looked at some of the other kitty blogs,and see that food is called "stinky goodness" but I think some is more stinky than others.
Our beans have got some fields here and mum bean looks after horses for people. The trouble is the horses think it is their fields, but I know it is ours, and sometimes they chase us.
The bean has said she needs to use the computer so it looks like we have to go. Hope she lets us get back here soon.
Love to all you kitties out there from Flynn xx
I thought he was never going to shift and now it's too late for me to say anything else, except speak to all you dudes again soon.
Bye for now (Big) Eric x

Tummy Tuesday.

Flynn: Eric has been hogging the blog lately so I have got in quick before he has the chance to. I know you must have missed my tummy, tail and toesies.

Eric: Harharhar! That's what he thinks. Now this is what you call a tummy. When the Beans came home from their weekend away the other day they left the holdall on the floor. It made a nice comfy bed.
Don't worry about my eye looking worse, this was before I went to the evil V E T and I had been digging it again. It looks much better now.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Mancat Monday.

Do you remember I told you I have started sleeping on Flynn's hairy blankie? Well I am still doing it. It is folded up on the side of the desk because Flynn likes to curl up in a little ball on it. I think mum should unfold it because I like to spread out.

I have decided I also like sleeping in the Ham-Mick which is Flynn's other favourite nap spot.

Usually I only ever sleep on the Bean's bed or on the recliner. I wonder if Flynn has any other favourite nap spots I can claim for myself.
Yesterday some of you thought my eye looked a bit swollen and closed. It's not, so mum checked the photos and it looks like my fur is a bit ruffled under my eye making it look not properly open. It is looking better every day but I have to try very hard not to scratch at it. I heard mum say something about a cone if I don't leave it alone. What's a cone anyway? Can I eat it?

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Easy Like Sunday

We are taking it easy again this Sunday.
If you look under my left eye, you can see my owie is getting better.

We hope you all are having a nice relaxing weekend.

Friday, July 16, 2010

I Spy.

There is a pile of old stones and paving slabs that we walk past every time we go for a walk. We always stop and try to reach in and walk all around them. Mum thought there must be mousies in there until she looked in. There is a nest which is just out of our reach and it is full of baby Pied Wagtails.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Friday Flashback.

The Friday Flashback comes from June 2009 and is called:


We were excited when we heard that Zoolatry were having International Box Day today cuz we both like boxes, duzn't everycat? We helped mum find all the photos on all her files so she could get our post ready in plenty of time. Then it nearly didn't happen when the compooter died, but mum looked through all her back up flash drives and we got the photos onto the laptop instead.
We've got a tattle tail about mum and the laptop before you look at our box photos. Mum usually uses the laptop on the sofa or at the table but because the PC isn't working, she put it on the compooter desk. She went to print something this morning and we heard her yell 'I DON'T BELIEVE IT!! NOW THE LAPTOP WON'T WORK!' Do you know what silly mum did? She pulled out the shelf with the PC keyboard and was typing on there, then she wondered why no words were coming up on the laptop. You would think she would learn after the first time wouldn't you, but oh no, she did it time and time again.
Anyway, that's enough of that. Here are our box pictures.

Flynn: Not long after we started blogging, Grr, Midnight and Cocoa had a competition and we won. Part of our purrize was this great box with shreddy paper in.

I love this box and I could smell my girlcat furrend Grr in it. It made the bestest bed.
I have even still got it now. When I sleep in it I dream of Grr.

Eric: I wanted to see what was so great about the box so I thought I would try it. I think it is a bit small for me.

Flynn: This is another good box but I don't have it any more.

It was very comfy though.

Eric: I seem to have a problem finding a box to fit me.

They all seem to have shrunk.

No, no success with this one either.

At last! A box I can move around in!

And another one. What do you mean, it's not a box? It's lovely and comfy with the washing in the bottom. If I close my eyes I can purrtend it is a box.

When I was younger and smaller I used to fit in all sorts of boxes.

Flynn: Bet you wouldn't fit in this box then.

This is a nice big box. It's where our Christmas tree lives when it's not Christmas.

Eric: You're right! It's big enough for two.

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