Monday, March 30, 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mancat Monday

On our walk around the fields yesterday, we went down into our bottom field. It was very exciting because we don't get down there very often.We have to go through the field with the horsies and sometimes mum has to shout at them because they chase us. This is the field where the vishus deer go, so we make sure mum has a can of Mao and Rocky's Vishus Deer Repellent. I was doing my lookout duty for the vishus deer. I didn't see them but I bet they were watching us. It was okay though because me and Flynn are Mancats and we would protect our mum.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Easy on Sunday

After I have finished sniffing the flowers.......

I may even pose for you.............

and then I will go to sleep.

Of course my brother will join me in our big plant pots.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Catch Up and Answers

We have got behind with posting our awards. These are the latest we have been given. We have the feeling we may have forgotten an award. If you gave us one and we haven't posted about it, we apologise.

We got this award from Elin. She said:
Today, I create an award to deliver to all my furriends. All my furriends is very nice and very friendly, thank u furriends. They are very supportive and full with love. So, I would like to deliver this friendly award to all my furriends, especially those who purrrs a lot for our late Boody, and for those who always read my blog. Thank you for befriend with me, your far furriend. You can pass this award to any friendly blogger that u know/like.

Thanks Elin

Eric: I got this award from my furrend Sunny. That's right, it's for me, not Flynn, just me. Thanks Sunny.

He got the award from Whippy Curly Tails and they said:

Our Mom made a special Awardy for the furries that have posted pics of the Hidey poses. We knowz this to be impawtant because the Boogeymanz & Bugbears are always on the looose!

~ Pass it on to furries that do the Hidey.
~ Woofies that are good friends & protect us all.
~ Leave a comment on any of our posts, of the kitty/doggy/bunny/critter that has a pic of their Hidey pose. Mom is listing them at the top right of our bloggy!

Or, use the Awardy to send some happiness to a special friend!

We would like to pass it on to BeauBeau for hiding himself so well in the cupboard.

Then we got the Honest Weblog award from Rusty.
This is our honest photo. We are sitting here trying to do an honest day's work waiting for mousies.

Here's the info about the award:

When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to said person so everyone knows who or she is. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or, improvise by including ones who have no idea who you are because you don't have 7 friends. Show the 7 random victims' names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with the "Honest Weblog". Well, there's no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon. List at least 10 honest things about yourself, as well as an Honest Photo. Then, pass it on!

So, here are 10 honest things about us. We decided to do 5 each.
1: I never used to mind having my photo taken, but now I don't like it at all.
2: I like to sleep on dad's head, but when both Beans are asleep, I get on mum's pillow and push her head off so she wakes up with a stiff neck.
3: I don't have good bedside manners. If I want to go from one side of the bed to the other, I just walk across their heads. If they get a paw in their eye or mouth, then that is tough luck.
4: I use the greenhouse as a giant litterbox and mum has to scoop it regularly. She should be grateful, it saves on kitty litter.
5: I am supposed to be on a diet but it isn't working. I am 23lbs but mum wants me to be 19lbs. We think I put on weight because I don't yak any more.

1: Mum calls me Mr. Squawk because I never stop talking.
2: I am not supposed to catch the fev-vers, but I do if mum isn't around.
3: I like to sleep under the covers, even in summer when it is hot.
4: I love Stinky Goodness better than crunchies, and I eat Eric's, but only because I am trying to help him diet. Hmm, maybe that is not really honest.
5: Unless we are walking in the fields, I don't like pooping outdoors. I will come in from the garden to use the litterbox then go back out again.

We pass this award on to Adan and Lego, China Cat and Willow, Fat Eric, Laila and Minchie
Okay, we know it's not seven blogs, but it is seven cats.

We had some questions about our purrizen fence in yesterday's Friday Flashback.
Milo and Alfie asked what the view was like from the other side. If you go here you can see what it was like before it was built.
Eric: Of the three photos of dad pushing me in the wheelbarrow, the middle one shows the hedge on our left that was taken down and replaced by the fence. We can still see the view from indoors.
Angel and The Cat Street Boyz asked why the ladder was left there. It was only there while dad was still working on the fence. When he finished, he took it away. Spoilsport!
Poppy says she is allowed to roam free. We once were also allowed to, but our nearest neighbour has a dog who hates cats and if he saw us, he would attack us and mum said she couldn't take that chance. He hates other dogs and most people too so mum keeps away from him too.
Faz put in a request for a Friday Flashback. We are going month by month and we think the post you mean comes from October last year. We will make a note to do it when that month comes around. If you want to see it in the mean time, you can see it here.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Friday Flashback

This week's Friday Flashback comes from October 2007. One side of our garden has a high hedge but the other side had an ordinary hedge which we could jump over. That meant mum had to keep stopping what she was doing to make sure we hadn't wandered off, or worse still, we had to stay indoors until she took us for a walk. Dad decided to take the hedge down and build the Purrizen Fence. Now we can stay in the garden all day and mum calls us in when she goes to bed.

Yoo mite be wondering where the nice hedge that has lots of mousies living in it has gone. Well dad got a big masheen and it ate it. Cuz there wuz nuffin there after the masheen eatid it, dad had to build a fence to keep us in. It's like a purrizzin. What's this ladder doing here?

I better go up and haf a look and see what's out the uvver side

Hmmphhh nuffin diffrunt than yooshull, mite as well go back down.

Well if yoo had a look, I'm going to haf a look too.

Can't see ennyfing at all.

That's better, now I can see.Dad sed he built this big fence so we can stay in the garden all day if we want, and mum won't haf to keep watching us all the time. It's ok cuz she's still going to take us furr walks around the feelds too.

Did yoo see that skeery pikchur yesterday? There is a ghost living in our fence. Mum sez it is watching us to make sure we are good boys. Yoo bet we are going to be good!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Just Checking

When we are out on our walks, it is important to stop and check out any different smells.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wordy Wednesday Challenge 2009

We took part in the Wordy Wednesday Challenge 2009.
Thanks Zoolatry for the great graphics.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Toesies Tuesday

There is nothing more fun than grabbing the camera strap when your mum is trying to take your photo.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Easy on Sunday and Mother's Day.

We are going to give our mum extra snuggles today. We love you mum!

Eric: But of course I will still find time to take it easy with my dad as well.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Our favourite Ad.

Most adverts drive us up the wall but this is one of our favourites. We hope you like it too.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Friday Flashback

This week's Friday Flashback comes from September 2007. Blogger was acting up that day and jumbled our photos and words around but we have straightened them up as best we can.


We haf been tagged by Henry Helton and Caesar and Princess furr a meme about our selves. We hope fings don't come out too jumbled cuz blogger is putting fings all ofurr the place.
Here's the rools:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Write some facts about yourself, some random, some weird, some just plain fun.
3. Tag 7 kitties at the end of this post and link to them.
4. Let those 7 kitties know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.The challenge is to keep it interesting without making other kitties think "too much information".
We haf done it between us so here goes. Oh and we know yoo will haf seen some of the pichurs befurr, but we thought they went best wiv the facts about us.

ERIC I just love sleeping on the compooter when mum tries to yoose it. I like hitting the keys cuz sometimes they make funny beeping noises. I don't fink mum likes it when they do that.

Flynn: I find sleeping on my back is the best way to sleep

Flynn: Mum sez I'm a tummy slut. I can nefurr haf too many tummy rubs.

We bofe like drinking out of the baff tap. Sometimes we drink furrom the hand basin, but the baff is deffernuttly the best. Drinking outdoors furrom the stream is efun better, but we can't always do that.

We bofe love Temtayshuns.
Eric: I like dry food the best, We haf Pro Plan Light furr brekfust.
Flynn: I like Stinky Goodness the best which we haf furr supper. We yooshully haf Gourmet or Sheba.

Eric: When I use the litterbox, mum sez she finks I am digging furr Australia. If I can find a big pit that's efun better.
Flynn: When I need the litterbox I leap in, haf a kwik scrape, squat and leap out again, then I run off at 100 miles an hour.

Flynn: All right I admit it, I'm a nip head. I can't help it, I just am. When mum wuz refilling my carrot she left the nip on the floor, and I wuz in it befurr she could blink.

When the Beans brought back the empty vishus deer we wuz a bit skeered of it cuz we thought it might eat us. We love it now cuz it's reely warm and snuggly. We haf a chew on it now and again and stick our claws in it so it duzn't git any ideers about attacking us.

Eric: I love water, I always have. I will paddle in puddles or in the stream. Sometimes I sit on the horse drinking trough and let my tail float in the water. I like to git in the baff wiv the Beans too.
Sometimes when it has been raining, I sit right down in a puddle and get my trousers wet. Flynn likes water too but not as much as me. When we were little and we had our Hooha hectomies, the nurse brought us out to our Beans and told them I wuz acting strange cuz I wuz sitting in my water bowl.Mum sez,No that's ok that's normal furr Eric.

I wait furr the Beans to go to bed, then I like to sit on their heads. They don't like it much so I haf to sleep on the pillow.

Flynn: Mum sez I must haf OCD but I don't know what that means.
I like to keep my tummy clean. I wash it a squillion times a day. I'm sure that as soon as I clean it anuvver bit of dirt gits there so I haf to clean it again. I haf washed some of my furrs right away and now I haf got a pink patch.

Well that's it. We're sposed to tag 7 kitties but we don't know who hasn't been tagged, so if yoo want to do it, consider yerself tagged.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Plant Pots.

Do you remember when last year we started sleeping in mum's big plant pot, and then she gave us one each and put nice clean horsie hay in them for us? Well Spring must be coming cuz I have started sleeping in the plant pot in the greenhouse again. Dad even made a frame for them so they wouldn't fall over when we get in and out. You can see them behind me.

The only thing is, I like the plant pot that has got lily bulbs in. It's better than sleeping in the pots mum gave us.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Not So Wordless Wednesday.

Dad has re-grass seeded part of one of the horsie fields where it got churned up through the winter. It is very good for playing on. Turn your sound up and you can hear me talk. Mum calls me Mr. Squawk.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Tummy Tuesday

When I have been in front of the woodburner for too long, I have to move away and lie out on the carpet to cool down.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mancat Monday

A mancat always makes sure he gets the best spot closest to the woodburner.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Easy on Sunday

We have been helping the Beans rebuild their heather garden this week and now it is time to rest.

Friday, March 13, 2009


I was being stealthy creeping up on Flynn. Mum was being stealthy too because she filmed me from behind the bedroom window so I wouldn't know.

Oh no! We don't know what Blogger has done to our video. It was playing okay then Daisy said she could only see 3 seconds of it. We checked it and it won't play at all now. Blogger, you got to let our video work again or we'll come and poop on your pillow.

Hooray! It's working again!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Friday Flashback - Vishus Deer Alert.

Last week we said we couldn't decide on which post to use from August 2007 for our Friday Flashback so here is one of our others that we liked from back then. Our furrends from back then know all about our vishus deer bed, but a lot of the later kitties have asked about it at different times. This post tells about when our Beans brought it home from Norway for us.

When the Beans were on their Holly Days they saw this man who wuzn't looking what wuz going on, and a vishus deer crept up behind him. He wuz in grate danjer, but he wuz saved cuz the Beans brought his furrs home wiv them furr a bed furr us.

We don't know what to fink about it. I Eric gave it a sniff to make shore the vishus deer wuzn't still inside.

Then Flynn came out to help me make shore it wuz safe.

Flynn wuz gitting kwite excitid wiv it and started digging his claws in it.

Then mum put it on the Beans bed and he had a chew at it.

And anuvver chew.

Then mum put it on our sofa where we sleep and Flynn went and had anuvver chew on it. I wuz keeping well away furrom it cuz I don't trust it.
What do yoo all fink,is it safe or do we need some of Rocky and Mao's VDR?

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