Thursday, March 12, 2009

Friday Flashback - Vishus Deer Alert.

Last week we said we couldn't decide on which post to use from August 2007 for our Friday Flashback so here is one of our others that we liked from back then. Our furrends from back then know all about our vishus deer bed, but a lot of the later kitties have asked about it at different times. This post tells about when our Beans brought it home from Norway for us.

When the Beans were on their Holly Days they saw this man who wuzn't looking what wuz going on, and a vishus deer crept up behind him. He wuz in grate danjer, but he wuz saved cuz the Beans brought his furrs home wiv them furr a bed furr us.

We don't know what to fink about it. I Eric gave it a sniff to make shore the vishus deer wuzn't still inside.

Then Flynn came out to help me make shore it wuz safe.

Flynn wuz gitting kwite excitid wiv it and started digging his claws in it.

Then mum put it on the Beans bed and he had a chew at it.

And anuvver chew.

Then mum put it on our sofa where we sleep and Flynn went and had anuvver chew on it. I wuz keeping well away furrom it cuz I don't trust it.
What do yoo all fink,is it safe or do we need some of Rocky and Mao's VDR?

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