Thursday, March 19, 2009

Friday Flashback

This week's Friday Flashback comes from September 2007. Blogger was acting up that day and jumbled our photos and words around but we have straightened them up as best we can.


We haf been tagged by Henry Helton and Caesar and Princess furr a meme about our selves. We hope fings don't come out too jumbled cuz blogger is putting fings all ofurr the place.
Here's the rools:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Write some facts about yourself, some random, some weird, some just plain fun.
3. Tag 7 kitties at the end of this post and link to them.
4. Let those 7 kitties know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.The challenge is to keep it interesting without making other kitties think "too much information".
We haf done it between us so here goes. Oh and we know yoo will haf seen some of the pichurs befurr, but we thought they went best wiv the facts about us.

ERIC I just love sleeping on the compooter when mum tries to yoose it. I like hitting the keys cuz sometimes they make funny beeping noises. I don't fink mum likes it when they do that.

Flynn: I find sleeping on my back is the best way to sleep

Flynn: Mum sez I'm a tummy slut. I can nefurr haf too many tummy rubs.

We bofe like drinking out of the baff tap. Sometimes we drink furrom the hand basin, but the baff is deffernuttly the best. Drinking outdoors furrom the stream is efun better, but we can't always do that.

We bofe love Temtayshuns.
Eric: I like dry food the best, We haf Pro Plan Light furr brekfust.
Flynn: I like Stinky Goodness the best which we haf furr supper. We yooshully haf Gourmet or Sheba.

Eric: When I use the litterbox, mum sez she finks I am digging furr Australia. If I can find a big pit that's efun better.
Flynn: When I need the litterbox I leap in, haf a kwik scrape, squat and leap out again, then I run off at 100 miles an hour.

Flynn: All right I admit it, I'm a nip head. I can't help it, I just am. When mum wuz refilling my carrot she left the nip on the floor, and I wuz in it befurr she could blink.

When the Beans brought back the empty vishus deer we wuz a bit skeered of it cuz we thought it might eat us. We love it now cuz it's reely warm and snuggly. We haf a chew on it now and again and stick our claws in it so it duzn't git any ideers about attacking us.

Eric: I love water, I always have. I will paddle in puddles or in the stream. Sometimes I sit on the horse drinking trough and let my tail float in the water. I like to git in the baff wiv the Beans too.
Sometimes when it has been raining, I sit right down in a puddle and get my trousers wet. Flynn likes water too but not as much as me. When we were little and we had our Hooha hectomies, the nurse brought us out to our Beans and told them I wuz acting strange cuz I wuz sitting in my water bowl.Mum sez,No that's ok that's normal furr Eric.

I wait furr the Beans to go to bed, then I like to sit on their heads. They don't like it much so I haf to sleep on the pillow.

Flynn: Mum sez I must haf OCD but I don't know what that means.
I like to keep my tummy clean. I wash it a squillion times a day. I'm sure that as soon as I clean it anuvver bit of dirt gits there so I haf to clean it again. I haf washed some of my furrs right away and now I haf got a pink patch.

Well that's it. We're sposed to tag 7 kitties but we don't know who hasn't been tagged, so if yoo want to do it, consider yerself tagged.

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