Sunday, January 31, 2010

Two Mancats on Monday

We couldn't decide who would do Mancat Monday today so we decided we would both do it. These are just three random photos that don't tell a story and were taken in the last few days.

Flynn: Come on mum, you forgot to recline the chair and Eric's taking up all the room.

Eric: I am being kind to mum and letting her get a photo without me turning away.

Flynn: I am in my favourite sunspot and have just been playing with my nippy carrot. I am looking at Eric because he has come out to see what was going on. The shadows behind me show off my long white whiskers.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Easy Like Sunday

Dad likes to relax in the recliner on a Sunday morning and there is nothing I like better than spending a bit of man time with him.

Friday, January 29, 2010


We got this award from Fatcat Bean and he said:

1. Copy and paste award to your page.
2. List 10 things that make you happy and try to do one today.
3. Tag 10 bloggers who brighten your day.

The ten things that make us happy are:
1) Having so many wonderful blogging friends.
2) Walking in the fields with our mum.
3) We never thought we would say it, but our purrison fence makes us happy. It means we can stay outdoors as much as we like and be safe.
4) Mousies
5) Nip.
6) Fev-vers.
7) Our plant pots in the greenhouse.
8) Temtayshuns.
9) The zoom Groom and Furminator, yes we really love that furminator.
10) Scritches. Back scritches, chin scritches, head scritches, we love them all.
We should pass this on to ten others who brighten our day but how do we choose just ten? If you are a regular visitor to us and you would like it, please take this award for yourself.

Like many others, we also got this award from Zoolatry and they said:

Last year, we gave out the Zoolatry Shining Star Award for 2009.
We would now like to present our new 2010 Shining Star Award to each of you.
Sent with our thanks... we enjoy your blogs, your kitties and woofies so very much (even though we are quite remiss about frequent visits).
We enjoy and our very grateful for your friendship, and we appreciate your staying in touch with us.
Many many heartfelt thanks, and purrs...
Maggy and Zoey and Ann

Thank you Ann, Maggy and Zoey.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Friday Flashback.

The Friday Flashback this week comes from April 2008 when we were tagged by Yao-lin to do the Five Sense "A" Shuns Meme which was started by Zoolatry. So here it is again.


With my beautiful eyes I can see much more of what is going on furrom the top of the ladder than if I wuz on the ground.

With our soft noses we can smell when there has been an introoder around.

With my velvet paws I can touch the bug that is crawling around in the other tub.

With my sharp ears I can hear the mousies rustling around in the grass.

With our sandpaper tongues we can taste our favourite Temtayshuns.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


We got out for another walk when the rain stopped. It is still very cold so we only stay out for long enough to check everything out.

Eric: I had a good scratch around in the leaves. You never know if a little mousie will be waiting there for you.

Flynn: While Eric was doing that, I checked out all the holes the bunnies have been digging in the hedges. They are silly because they only dig a little way and then they go off and leave it.

Then we walked a bit further.

Flynn: I got up on the hedge to look into our neighbour's field to see if he had any little lambs yet. It doesn't look like it.

Eric: I carried on walking along the bottom of the hedge still checking for mousies. Neither of us saw anything. It must be too cold for the mousies.

Eric: Then I sat down and gave mum my mancat pose just to prove that I can pose just as well as Flynn if I want to.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Toesies Tuesday

If you want a photo of my toesies you'd better make it snappy, I need a nap.

Right, time's up.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mancat Monday

Keeping a lookout for mousies. (You can see the rabbit poop on my neck in this photo.)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Easy Like Sunday

First I will bathe my shoulders....

then my ears......

my paws will be next.......

A quick sniff to make sure I smell fresh....

realx for a while to recover from all that effort.......

Then watch cat TV for the rest of the day.

If any one wonders, they are Blue Tits in the first photo and Long Tailed Tits in the second photo.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Friday Flashback.

This week the Friday Flashback comes from March 2008 and it shows what good boys we are because we do a lot of..................

FLYNN: When we haf our Temtayshuns, I usually have mine on the top of the cat tree, and Eric likes his on the floor. Sumtimes he likes to come up wiv me but that's ok, there's room furr two.
ERIC: I don't fink I could have had as many as you cuz mine are gone already.

FLYNN: Yes you did, it's cuz you swallow them instead of chewing them like me.
ERIC: No I don't, now go on, let me haf one of yours, pleeeeez.
FLYNN: Yes you do. Mum's always telling you to crunch them cuz it's better furr your teefs to crunch. That's why you got three teefs less than me.
ERIC: Well I don't want to crunch, so there!
FLYNN: Steady on Eric, that's my last one. You ate all of yours and half of mine. Mum will sneak some more to me when your not around.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


It's fun to play with mole hills.

If I know the mole is there, I keep very still and wait for him to pop his head up from the ground. If I know he's not around though, I like to roll around on his mole hills and give them the Flynn smell.

I like to sit up and push my toesies in the nice fresh earth.

Then I like to relax on them and flatten them. When I have had a rest, I like to play scat the earth and to jump on them again.

Turn your sound up and you will hear me talking as I play.
The Blogger video wouldn't play so we have changed it to You Tube now.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Tummy Tuesday

First we had lots of thick ice, then we had snow, then the heavy rain came and washed it all away. The first day it stopped raining mum took us for a walk. It was so good to get back out in the fields and have a good roll.

I found some fresh rabbit poop and rolled in it. If you look carefully you might just be able to see the black mark on my neck. It wasn't so good when we went back indoors cuz mum rubbed and rubbed to get it off. It was worth it though.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Mancat Monday

Flynn in a rare sunspot.

Hello Evelyn

A lot of you have probably had Kari commenting on your posts. She has become our good friend through her comments and it was her who sent Kitty Humbug to us. She cares for her housebound mother Evelyn, who would love a hello from everybody. If you want to say hello to her, please leave it in our comments.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Easy Like Sunday

During the cold weather, we like to snuggle together on mum's recliner by the woodburner.

She reclines it for us as well so we have more room.

It's nice to have a brother to snuggle with.

We hope you all have a lovely relaxing Sunday.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Our Hairy Blankie.

We won one of Peggy's hairy blankies in the auction for Fiona and we have been eagerly waiting for it to arrive.
Flynn: Eric, quick come and look. There is a package and it's addressed to us.

Eric: What's in it. Can you get it out Flynn?

Flynn: Of course I can, that's not a problem for me.

Eric: It smells very interesting.

Flynn: It feels very comfy as well.

I like this blankie, I think it will be mine.

Yup, definitely mine all mine.

Hmm, I keep smelling nip but all I can see is this little ball that Peggy put in with the blankie. (I have since discovered that the little ball is made of nip and you can chew it!!!!

This is my blogging place before. Mum put a gaudy old beach towel there for me to nap on.

This is my blogging place now. Much more comfy.

Just right for bathing on.

And of course for napping on. Thank you Peggy for donating it so we had chance to win it.

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