Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Friday Flashback - Confessions

This Friday Flashback is from September 2006. I found these old cushions and they are the next best thing to nip.

This is my most faverit cushun in the whole world. It's in the old falling down woodshed. The Befurrus cats used to sleep there sumtimes, and when they had all gone ofurr the Rainbow Bridge, mum kept the cushions there furr Kitty Yum Bum cos she was sad, and then she could cuddle up to it and still smell them.Then one day I went in there and dis-cuvvered it. BLISS!!!!

It's reely old and smelly. It's luvly. I goes in and rubs and rubs all ofurr it. Mum calls it my silly cushun. I asked if I could haf it indoors, but she said it stinks too much, but now it's got my stink on it.

My eyes go all funny and I drools all ofurr it, but I reely reely luv my cushun.Just look at my tung.

I've got anuvver confeshun. The uvver day I caught live fev-vers. I'm not allowed to catch live fev-vers, cos mum makes me let them go. Well the uvver day mum wasn't looking, and there were all these sparrows in the tree laffing at me.So I jumped in the tree and caught one. When mum came outdoors, all she saw was me washing my chops and a little pile of innards and one wing!!I got a telling off, but I don't care cos it tasted good. Here is a pichur of me looking round all guilty cos I've been caught. See that wing by my foot.Next day the innards had gone so anuvver cat must haf been around, or it may haf been Mr. Fox. I don't fink it was the vishus deer acos they would need more to eat than that.

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