Thursday, July 16, 2009

Friday Flashback - Baby Kitties

We got to the end of 2008 last week with our Friday Flashbacks so now we are going back again because some months we had two or three posts that we liked and wanted to use. Here are some more from August 2006 and this week we have given you two posts in one. Mum wasn't very good at placing the photos and words in the beginning, but we hope you can sort out what is what. In the first three photos we were five and a half weeks old.


Here are some baby pichers of us. The picher where we are cuddled up by the books was the furrst day we came to our furrever home. The door was opened back against them, and the beans couldn't find us. They were getting in a panic, an we was fast asleep.In the picher of us playing in the wine rack, mum says Eric's head wouldn't effun fit in there now. The cheek of it!!(Don't know where the rest of that picher went. Fink blogger mustn't haf liked it.) An the picher wiv the slippers, that was our most favourite fing to play wiv. Mum had to get herself new slippers cos we nearly ate them up. An in the uvver picher we was all played out.


Here are some more baby photos ranging from six weeks to three months.

This is me Flynn getting my paper work up to date.

Here we are wiv Kitty Yum Bum. We came to look after her after her last broffurr went over the Rainbow Bridge. She was all lonely an started to pine away an wouldn't eat nuffin.When we came, she told us she didn't like us, but Eric said she had to be his friend an he laid wiv her all the time until she liked us.She went offur the bridge four years ago an we was all sad.

Here we are just relaxing on the sofa. Eric's showing off his hoo haa's just because he still had them then.

Eric I know you love water, but you know you can't play wiv the washing. Mum said it's too dangerous.

Mum can I haf a bigger paddling pool, cos all my feet won't fit in this one.

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