Thursday, April 30, 2009

Friday Flashback

This Friday Flashback comes from March 2008 and it was when we won Forty Paws ham-mick.


We won Forty Paws raffle furr the Meezers and got this great Ham Mick. I fink I'll try it out and haf a wash. Yep, it's nice and comfy furr washing my toes. And it's good furr washing my tummy too.
Fanks Forty Paws, it's a great Ham Mick.
Hey where did this come furrom?
Wow what's that I can smell? Mum sez it's a Dorf smell. I don't know what she means by that, but it is a furry inchresting smell.
Oh yes! I like this. It's furry comfy, and look there's a quality sirtiffykit signed by Dorfington Fish Stanley. That must be the Dorf smell mum wuz telling me about.
This is the life. I love this Ham Mick. Tell you what Flynn, you can haf the vishus deer furrs all to yourself, this is MY bed cuz it sez purrfect cat on it and that's me. You got that?
Flynn do you remember that you didn't want to share our nip crowns? Well I'm not sharing the Ham Mick.
Here's a short video clip of me inspecting it.

Eight days and we'll be back!!!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Tummy Tuesday

Haha! That bit of grass is tickling me.

Gotcha! Now you can't tickle me.

Yikes! What's all this on my tummy?

Friday, April 24, 2009

An Award on our Last day of Freedom.

We got the Zombie Chicken Award from Pinky 'n' Ash and they said:

There is nothing you need do except pass it on to 5 other blogs.
“The blogger who receives this award believes in the Tao of the zombie chicken — excellence, grace and persistence in all situations, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. These amazing bloggers regularly produce content so remarkable that their readers would brave a raving pack of zombie chickens to read their inspiring words.”
Thank you Pinky 'n' Ash for sharing this with us.
We would like to pass it on to:
Sammy, Miles and Billy, Zeus, Chey, Cliff and Olivia and Adan and Lego.

Well that's it. The Beans are deserting us today and we are being locked up. We are taking our last look at freedom for two whole weeks and are on our way to our purrizen cell. If anyone wants to come and visit us, we will be very glad to see you. We have lots of Greenies and Temtayshuns, and all our toys will be in our purrizen with us. We may even be able to catch the odd mousie if it is silly enough to come in the garage while we are here. There is lots of room for THoE too. See you all soon, we are going to miss you.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Friday Flashback

The Friday Flashback this week is from February 2008 and it is a Mancat Monday post.


One of our furry impawtunt mancat jobs is to check that the straw in the barn is good quality.
We check that there is nuffin there that shouldn't be there.
Sometimes we just sit quietly at the top of the ladder to make sure no introoders come in.
And on the way down, we smell the straw in case there are any mice hiding in there. It's impawtunt to check furr mice cuz sometimes they chew the string that holds the straw bales together, then when dad picks them up they break. That yooshully makes him say bad words.
When we go back down the ladder, we haf to be keerful cuz it's easier to go up than down.
If you try to go down to quick, you end up down the bottom quicker than you'd want to.
An Announcement:
The Beans are going on their holly days tomorrow so that means we will be purrizenners for two weeks. We have told mum she has to schedule two Friday Flashbacks for us so you don't forget who we are. She said if she has time she will try and schedule a couple more posts for us as well. We won't be able to visit unless we can get the compooter switched on, but don't forget to check in to see if we have got a post up.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

Toesies Tuesday

When I baff in the sun, I stretch my toesies out to get as much sun as possible on them.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mancat Monday

Dad wuz working down in one of the fields clearing back some undergrowth. I knew he would appresheate some help so I made my way down there.

It looked like hard work so I meowed to him to see if he needed a break.

I think he wuz glad to stop and we enjoyed a bit of man time togevver.

Yup, he definitely needed that rest.

I stopped to help him for a while, then told him I'd better get back or mum might be wondering where I wuz.
I looked back as I went up the hill and could see he wuz hard at work again.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easy on Sunday

I am hoping for good weather so I can enjoy a nice sunny Sunday relaxing on the bank.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Relaxing, Rolling and Awards

When we have been for a walk we need to relax after. Sometimes we relax together.......

Sometimes we relax seperately.

But whatever else happens, Eric has to have a good roll before he goes back to the garden.

We got the Life is Grand Award from Milo and Alfie, and Pinky 'n' Ash. We have already had this award and posted about it here. We have sed it before and we will say it again. It duzn't matter how many times we get an award, we presheate it every time. Thanks for thinking of us.

We also got the Neno's award from Rusty and he sed:

The aim of this award is as follows:

*As a dedication for those who love blogging activity and love to encourage friendships through blogging.
*To seek the reason why we all love blogging.
*Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it.
*Don't forget to mention the person who gives you the award.
*Answer the Award's question by writing the reason why you love blogging.
*Tag and distribute the Award to as many people as you like.
*Don't forget to notify the Award receivers and put their links in your post.

We love blogging because we have made so many furrends, and even though we haven't met, we feel we know you all so well. We feel like we are one big extended family and when someone is happy, we are happy too. When there is sadness, we feel the sadness as well.

We would like to pass it on to Tuck, Zeus , Monty Q, Princess , and Ariel.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Friday Flashback - Hanging Out.

We have reached 2008 already with our flashbacks. This one is from January and it is called:


This is a grate way to just relax, just go limp and let your legs and tail dangle.
Hmphhh did I see a flash then?

Go on, that's right, ruin another relaxing eggspeeryunts wiv that stoopid flashy box.See that Zoom Groom below my feet? Well we got it furr Chris Mouse, and I tell you what, it's the bestest fing efurr. If mum or dad pick it up I follow them efurrywhere, and I don't let them stop grooming me wiv it.

Hehe, anyfing you can do Eric, I can do too, and I can give the laser eyes at the same time.

This is my furroshus look.
Well that's enuff. Can't hang around here all day.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Not Me

What do you mean, someone has been using the greenhouse as a litterbox again?

I really don't know why you think it could have been me.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Purrize from Jake.

Flynn: When it was Jake's burpday the other day, he had a competition and we won the purrize for kitties. I was right there when I saw there was a package for us. Mmmm I smell NIP!!

We got butterflies that crackle when you chew and bunny kick them, and we got nip. Not just any old nip but the world's strongest nip!

Eric: Yup, and we got Fancy Feast called Turkey Primavera. We can't get Fancy Feast in the YooKay. It looks lishus and mum said we can have it for supper tonight. there is a great picture of Jake too.

Flynn: Mum has sprinkled some nip on the empty package for me. I am having a good sniff.

I was bunny kicking one of the butterflies but I was too quick for mum to get my thumper feet in action. I had to keep stopping to rub my face in the nip.

Then later on mum gave us the Fancy Feast for supper just like she said she would. It was lishus! Thanks Jake for a great purrize.

Eric: As well as bringing us a package, the man in bloo shorts with the noisy red van brought us an Easter card furrom Skeezix. He signed it himself, and here I am reading it.

Thanks Skeezy. Don't worry, I'm not sticking my tongue out at you. I'm sticking it out at our mum for taking my photo.

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