Wednesday, May 26, 2010

An Apology and an Award.

We are very glad to have our Beans back again, but we are not so happy that mum says she has lots to catch up with now she is home again. We told her we need to visit our friends but we keep hearing busy busy busy! It's not fair. We are sorry we haven't been visiting much but mum said we should be getting back to normal in a day or two. In the meantime we will visit when we can.

We got this award at the weekend from Sammy and Andy.

Rule 1. Thank the person who gave it to you.
Thank you, Sammy and Andy!

Rule 2. Share 9 things about yourself.

1. We are birth brothers but very different. Flynn has to run everywhere but Eric likes to lie back and take life easy.

2. Eric likes to sleep on the pillow with his paw on dad's head.

3. Flynn likes to sleep on mum's feet, or if she is lying on her stomach, he will lie on her back.

4. Eric wakes mum up some nights with his loud snoring.

5. Flynn wakes mum up some nights walking around the garden yowling to the moon.

6. Eric is addicted to the Zoom Groom. He gets excited and bites fingers and also his own feet.

7. Flynn likes the Zoom Groom too but hates having his chin touched.

8. Eric has had rapid tartar build up on his teeth since he was young and has his teeth brushed every day with the old head from an electric toothbrush.

9. Flynn loves to catch mice but rarely eats them and prefers to give them to Eric.

Rule 3. Pass the award along to 9 bloggers who you think are fantastic.

We would like to pass it on to TK and Squashies, Victor and Nina, Samson and Delilah,
Danielle, Spot and Fiona, Rusty, Ginger Jasper, Paddy and Dushi, Attie Cattie and her little sister Audrey

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