Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Visiting Friends.

When our Beans left us, the first thing they did was to introduce themselves to GJ. He looks very pleased to see them, or maybe it was the goody bag he was more interested in.

The mums and dads decided to go to Haworth where the Bronte sisters lived. This is our mum and dad in the churchyard where they were buried.

And this is GJ's mum and dad.

This is just one of the many beautiful stained glass windows in the church.

Haworth is a very old village, and a kind passer by took photos of them all together. All the flags were out for the Royal Wedding.

They went into one of the shops that sold old style things from years gone by and met Billie the cat. He didn't want to wake up to talk to them but still enjoyed some ear scritches from our mum.

When they got back to GJ's house, mum asked him if he would pose for a photo for her and of course he agreed to.

He told her he couldn't remember which was his best side so told our mum to take a photo from the other side too.

Then he asked for a full face shot and allowed his mum to have her photo taken with him too.

The next day they all went into York and saw lots of big fevvers and baby fevvers in the park. That is the bit we found most interesting. We hoped they would have brought one of the big fevvers home for us to make up for leaving us.

Then they went into York museum which was made up to look like an old street with the old houses in it.

They said it was very interesting.

The table was all set up for dinner but we don't know if they stopped for it.

The mums put the dads in the old jail but they looked quite happy to be locked up.
They all said they had a lovely time together.

As soon as they got home, I made sure I got the suitcase for my bed. If you look just behind me you will see a little ginger kitty. That is Tabatha and GJ and his mum and dad sent her to keep watch over our mum. She will help us to nurse her better.
Hmphhh! I just counted up and there are six kitty photos altogether and only one is of me. At least that is one more than Flynn has got.

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