Sunday, November 14, 2010

Holiday Photos - Pompeii.

We are letting mum take over the blog on various days this week to show some of her holiday photos. As you can see, the Flats got to share the Beans bed in their hotel room before they flew to Rome.

Mum likes to take sunset pictures so she took some from the balcony before they sailed from Rome.

It wasn't until she took this photo that she noticed the birds flying in a straight line. She wishes she could have caught them flying across the sun.

Goodbye sun. Make sure you come back tomorrow.

Okay, we think we had better let mum do the talking now.
Thanks boys.
Our first stop was Naples and we had arranged to go on a private tour to Pompeii, Sorrento and Positano with other Cruise Critic members. We started with Pompeii which was buried by ash and pumice when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79AD.

You can see Mt. Vesuvius in the back ground.

The people had no chance to escape and were killed by the intense heat of 250C rather than suffocation. When the people were buried under the ash, their bodies decomposed, and when the archeologists were uncovering the city they poured plaster into the spaces left by the bodies to get an exact replica of the bodies that had been there.

The frescoes and statues have survived the disaster surprisingly well.

A main street.

A bakery. The oven is behind the guide.

This was one of the many brothels. They all had frescoes to show what went on there. Some rather more explicit than this.

There were several small rooms off the main entrance to the brothel each containg a stone bed.

The main street.

This is a reproduction of their street signs. This would have been District 7 Block 13.

All the best houses had large mosaic entrance halls.
So that is just some of the many photos I took of Pompeii. Next time we will see Sorrento and Positano.

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