When we did the meme about how we got our names, Toby furrom The Tower Hill Mob sed his dad wuz wondering how Kitty Yumbum got her name, so we decided to do a post about her. The pikchurs aren't furry good cuz they's old photos, and mum sez it looks like there's fluff in the scanner. (Probly our furrs cuz we sit on it sumtimes.)
Over the years all her brofurrs and sisfurrs went to the Bridge with the last one going in the beginning of 2000. She wuz furry sad and wouldn't eat much. She just moped around and didn't purr much to mum. Mum sed to dad "We're going to haf to git anuvver poodin to keep her company" Dad thought that if they got one, when Kit went to the Bridge, then the new poodin would be lonely. He said there wuz kittens at his furrends farm, and he thought they should git two.They went up and chose us. We wuz skeered at furrst cuz we wuz only five and a half weeks old, and we didn't know where our mum wuz. Then we saw this old ladycat and we said to each uvver "Look we got a new mum" and we ran ofurr to her. She ran away furrom us! We kept following her and she kept running and hissing. I (Eric) said to her, "Yoo WILL be my furrend" and efurrywhere she went, I followed. She kept gitting up on the Beans bed where we couldn't reach her. I kept on trying then eventually I managed to scrabble up there with her. She wuzn't happy, but I snuggled up beside her. Flynn wuz a bit skeered of her and didn't git so close.We kept on following her efurrywhere and in the end she said that maybe we weren't so bad and then we all started snuggling together.
When we started going furr walks in the feelds, she would allus follow us. Mum sez befurr we came along she nefurr went out of the garden. If we went wivout her she would meow at the top of her voice cuz she didn't know where we were.
We had just ofurr two happy years wiv her. Mum sez if we hadn't come to keep her company she duzn't fink she would haf lived furr anuvver two munfs after her brofurr went to the Bridge.We miss our ladycat.
Yoo can see some more pikchurs of her here.
3rd APRIL 1987 - 23rd JULY 2002
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